Land preparation for Brinjal

Land preparation for Brinjal:-

  • Proper drainage is essential for growth of brinjal.
  • Soil should be prepared to a fine tilth by 4-6 ploughings.
  • Fym should be incorporated in soil at the time of final ploughing.

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Objectives of Soil testing

Objectives of Soil testing:-

  • To determine the exact amount of chemical fertilizers used in crops.
  • To know the correct way of improving the alkalic and acidic land and making it fertile.
  • To determine the compatibility of the land for cultivation.

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Control of Thrips

Plants infected with thrips develop spotted appearance on leaves which turn pale-white blotches due to drainage of sap. Due to thrips attack reduces production. For effective control spray Profenofos 400 ml /acre or fipronil 5% SC 400 ml/acre or Thaimethoxam 100 gm/acre after every 10 days interval.

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Irrigation in Moong (Green Gram)

Irrigation in Moong (Green Gram):- Moong is mainly grown as a kharif crop. If needed provide irrigation depending upon the climatic conditions.  For summer season crop, three to five irrigations are required depending upon soil type and climatic condition. For good yield stop irrigation 55 days after sowing.

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Bulb splitting In Onion (physiological Disorder)

Bulb splitting In Onion (physiological Disorder)


  • Uneven irrigation of onion fields increases the incidence of this disorder.
  • Fields that are over irrigated, allowed to dry completely and then over irrigated again often have many split bulbs.
  • Bulb mites are frequenty associated with bulb splitting.


  • The first symptom observed is the basal portion of bulb.
  • Secondary growth of the affected bulb often occurs when several small bulbs protruded from the spilt basal portion.


  • Use uniform irrigation and fertilization practices to prevent phase of bulb spiltting.
  • Use of slow growth of the onion bulb varieties can reduces the incidence of this disorder.


किसानों के लिए राहत

माननीय मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज जी चौहान ने किसान महासम्मेलन में घोषणा की है कि गेहू एवं धान के समर्थन मूल्य के साथ 200 रु. प्रति क्विंटल बोनस राज्य सरकार प्रदेश के किसानों को देगी | साथ में ये भी कहा के मौसम के कारण हुए नुकसान के लिए बीमा राशि के साथ राहत राशि भी दी जायेगी |

नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करके अन्य किसानों के साथ साझा करें।


प्रधानमंत्री बीमा योजना का लाभ लें

प्रधानमंत्री बीमा योजना में मौसम के कारण होने वाले नुकसान का प्रावधान हे जिन किसान भाईयों ने बीमा करवाया है और वर्तमान में हुई ओला वृष्टि से फसल को नुकसान हुआ है वे बीमा कंपनी के अधिकारी से संपर्क करें एवं अपने खेत का मूल्यांकन करवाए ताकि उन्हें बीमा योजना का लाभ मिला सके|

नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करके अन्य किसानों के साथ साझा करें।


Bolting in Onion (Physiological disorder)

Bolting on onion (Physiological disorder)

Causal :-

  • Due to heredity differences in variety.
  • Extreme fluctuations in temperature.
  • Stunted growth of plants in seed beds.
  • Very low temperature in the beginning of the growth favours


  • When the plant reaches the five leaf stage critical stage of bolting takes place.
  • Under this condition bulbs become light and fibrous.
  • When the plant on put up a central stalk which develops a seed head, bolting take place.


  • Sow the seed at proper time.
  • Use of over fertilizer should be avoided.

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Storage of Wheat

Storage of Wheat: –

  • There should be no more than 10-12% moisture in the grain for safe storage.
  • Clean the storages and chambers before storage and spray Malathiyan 50% solution on the walls and floor at 3 liters per 100 square meters.
  • After placing the grain in the buffer, the closet or in the room, the aluminum phosphide should be kept at 3 grams 2 tables per tonne.

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Disease Free Nursery Raising For Vegetables

Disease Free Nursery Raising For Vegetables:-

  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with recommended fungicide before sowing.
  • Continuous raising of nursery in the same plot should be avoided.
  • The top soil of nursery should be treated with Carbendazim @ 5 gm/square m. are of the soil and nursery should be drenched with Carbendazim @ 2gm/litre of water at fortnightly interval.
  • Soil solarization by spreading 250 gauge polythene sheet over the bed for 30 days before sowing in summer season should be done.
  • Application of bio-control agent tricoderma viride in soil @ 1.2 kg/ha is also found effective to control damping-off to considerable extent.

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