Season of planting of French bean

Season of planting of French bean:-

  • The Kharif crop is season during June and July.
  • The autumn crop is sown during September and to early October.
  • The spring summer season crop is sown during and of January to early February.

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Field preparation of Cucumber

Field preparation of Cucumber

  • Lands is ploughed 4-5 time to a fine filth and rotten farm yard manure and manure @20-25 tones/ha is incorporated in the soil at the time of final ploughing.
  • If the soil is infasted with nematods, white ants or red ants apply Carbofuran @25kg/ha.
  • After leveling the field 60cm wide channels are made at a distance of 2.0- to 2.5 cm.
  • The length of channel depends on source of irrigation, season, rainfall and slope land.

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Time of sowing of Cowpea

Time of sowing of Cowpea:-

  • In most of the areas, cowpea is grown during the rainy and summer season.
  • Kharif Season:- Sowing is June-July for pole type variety. Sowing is August- September for early maturing bush type varieties.
  • Summer Season:- Sowing is February- March is common for summer.

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Nutrient management of Cabbage

Nutrient management of Cabbage:-

  • Cabbage is a heavy feeder crop.
  • Fertilizer dose depends upon the soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • For a good yield, 15-20 tones of well decomposed FYM is incorporated in the soil about 4 weeks before transplanting.
  • Recommeded doses of fertilizer for normal varieties 100 Kg: 60 Kg P and 100 Kg K/ ha hybrids -120-180 kg N 100 Kg P and 100 Kg K /ha.
  • Half the dose of nitrogen and full dose of P and K should be applied at the time of final preparation of field.
  • Remaining half dose of nitrogen should be applied as top dressing in spilt doses followed by earthing up.

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Season of planting of Brinjal

Season of planting of Brinjal:-

  • Autumn- Winter crop:- Seed is sown in june and transplanted in july.
  • Spring-Summer Crop:- Seed is sown in early November and transplanted in January- February.
  • Rainy Season Crop:- Seeds are sown in March- April and Transplanted during April-May.

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Field preparation of Cauliflower

Field preparation of Cauliflower

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving 3-4 ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Planting should be done on the flat land, ridge or in furrows depending on climate and soil conditions.
  • For early planting, ridge method is suitable especially in areas where the rains occur at time of planting.
  • In saline soils, planting are preferred in furrows and in dry areas transplanting on flat beds.

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Sesame:- An Best crop for summer

Sesame:- An Best crop for summer

Season: – The best season for raising sesame seed crop is April to May.

Seed Rate: – Seed rate depends on sowing method, variety of seed and season in braod casting method, under rainfed conditions seed rate would be 6 kg/hectare, under irrigated conditions 5 kg/hectare.

Yield: – Yield always depends on variety and good crop management practices for Kharif crop an average of 200 to 500 kg/ ha for summer irrigated crop 300 to 600 kg/ha can be achived.

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Happy Women’ Day

A beautiful women draws strenght from troubles, smiles during distress and grows stronger with prayers and hope.

you are one of them

wishing you a very “Happy Women’s Day”


Staking and trellising in Bitter gourd

Staking and trellising in Bitter gourd

  • Bitter gourd grows very fast and vines elongate rapidly within two weeks after planting.
  • Staking and trellising will increase fruit yield, size, reduce fruit rot and make spraying and harvesting easier.
  • The trellis should be 1.2-1.8 meter high constructed from stacks 1.2 -1.8 meter apart.

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Happy Rangpanchami

रंगपंचमी की हर्षित बेला पर खुशियाँ मिले अपार|

यश, कीर्ति, सम्मान मिले, ओर बढे सत्कार |

शुभ-शुभ रहे हर दिन हर पल, शुभ शुभ रहे विचार|

उत्साह, बढे चित चेतन में, निर्मल रहे आचार||

सफलताये नित नयी मिले, बधाई बारम्बार|

मंगलमय हो काज आपके सुखी रहे परिवार|

“ग्रामोफोन परिवार की और से रंगपंचमी की शुभकामनाये”
