Next activity for your Garlic crop

21 to 25 days after sowing- Prevent Damping off disease

To prevent damping off disease mix Rizocare 250 gm or Trichoshield combat 1 kg or Sanchar 60 gm in 200 liter water and drench near root zone per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

16 to 20 days after sowing- Top dressing of fertilizers

For better growth and development and to provide micro nutrients mix Urea 25 kg + Zinc sulphate 5 kg + Sulphur 10 kg and broadcast on soil per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

11 to 15 days after sowing- Management of sucking pests and fungal diseases

To promote proper vegetative growth and for the management of sucking pests and fungal diseases spray Seaweed extract (Vigormaxx gel) 400 ml + Acephate 75% SP (Acemain) 300 gm + Carbendezim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 300 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

3 to 5 days after sowing- Pre-emergence herbicide spray

For the management of weeds before emergence spray Pendamethalin 38.7% CS (Dhanutop super) 700 ml per acre. For the management of weeds after emergence spray Propaquizafop 5% + Oxyflurofef 12% EC (Dekel) @ 350 ml or Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC (Targa super) 350 ml per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

1 to 2 days after sowing- Basal dose and first irrigation

Just after sowing give first irrigation and apply basal dose of fertilizer as below. Mix all these & spread over soil- Urea- 20 kg, DAP- 30 kg, SSP- 50 kg, MoP- 40 kg, NPK bacteria (SKB Fosterplus BC-15)- 100 gm, Zn solubilizing bacteria (SKB ZnSB)- 100 gm, Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare) 500 gm, Seaweed, Amino, Humic & Mycorrhiza (Maxxmyco) 2 kg per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

1 day before sowing- Seed treatment

To protect the planting material from soil borne fungus, treat the seeds with Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 2.5 gm per kg seeds. Give light irrigation to the field three days before sowing.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

8 to 10 days before sowing- Field preparation

In 5 Tonns of FYM, add 7.5 kg Carbofuran granules (Fury). Mix properly and spread over soil for one acre area. Carbofuran granules help to control soil insects present in soil


Next activity for your Onion crop

90 to 95 days after transplanting – Spraying to increase Bulb size

 To reduce vegetative growth and increase blub size spray Paclobutrazole 23% (Zika) – 50 ml or Paclobutrazole 40 SC (Taboli) – 30 ml per acre.


Next activity for your Onion crop

 75 to 80 days after transplanting- Spray to increase bulb size

To increase the size of bulb and to prevent fungal or pest infection to bulbs spray Tebuconazole 25.9%EC (Folicur) 200 ml + Cyntraniliprole 10.26% OD (Benevia) 250 ml + 00:00:50 1kg per acre in 200 liter water.
