Next activity for your Wheat crop

8 to 10 days before sowing-Field preparation

In 4 tonns of FYM, add 500 gm Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare). Mix properly and spread over soil for one acre area. If in your region Termite is a major problem, broadcast Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR granules (Caldan) 7.5 kg per acre.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

120 to 130 days after sowing- Spray to decrease vegetative growth and to increase bulb development

To reduce vegetative growth and to increase bulb development spray Paclobutrazol 23 SC (Jika) 50 ml or Paclobutrazole 40% SC (Taboli) 30 ml per acre. This will help to reduce the vegetative growth and accumulate all the nutrients at base for better bulb development.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

76 to 80 days after sowing- Spray to increase bulb size

To increase the size of bulb spray 00:00:50 1kg per acre. If any type of fungal growth is seen on the leaves add Tebuconazole 25.9% EC (Folicure) 250 ml and for sucking pests add Bifenthrin 10% EC (Klintop) 300 ml per acre in this spray.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

66 to 70 days after sowing- Spray to increase number of cloves per bulb

To increase number of cloves per bulb and to prevent disease like blight and pests spray Gibberelic Acid 0.001% (Novamaxx) 300 ml + Kitazin (KItazin) 200 ml + Fipronil 40% + Imidachloprid 40% WG (Police) 40 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

56 to 60 days after sowing- Spray for the management of bacterial diseases

For the management of bacterial diseases and insects spray Micronutrient Mixture (Aries total) 300 gm + Acephate 50% + Imidachloprid 1.8% SP (Lancer gold) 400 gm + Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP (Conika) 300 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

51 to 55 days after sowing- Soil application to increase bulb size

Potash plays important role in increasing bulb size. So in this stage broadcast MoP 20 kg + Calcium nitrate 10 kg per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

46 to 50 days after sowing- Identify and prevent fungal diseases

If any type of brown fungal growth is seen on the leaves spray Tebuconazole 10%+sulphar 65%WG (Swadheen) 500 gm per acre also add Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC (Novalaxam) 80 ml per acre in this spray to prevent insect, pests.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

36 to 40 days after sowing- Prevent crop from pest and fungal attack

To prevent crop from fungal or pest attack spray 00:52:34 1kg + Amino acid (Pro aminomaxx) 250 gm + Fipronil 5% SC (FipNova) 400 ml + Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP (Milduvip) 250 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

31 to 35 days after sowing- Second irrigation and nutrition dose

During vegetative stage apply third nutrition dose through soil as Urea 25 kg + Maxgrow 10 kg per acre. Also give second irrigation to the crop. Drain out excess water to prevent diseases like root rot, wilt. Give next irridation at 7 to 10 days interval depending upon soil moisture.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

26 to 30 days after sowing- Management of Thrips, Aphids and fungal diseases

To promote vegetative growth and for the management of Thrips, Aphids and fungal diseases spray Hexaconazole 5% SC (Novacone) 400 ml + Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% CS (LamNova) 200 ml + 19:19:19 (Gromor) 1 kg per acre
