- For weed control by chemicals, before germination (within 72 hours of sowing) mix 700 ml Pendimethalin 38.7% CS or Pendimethalin 30% EC in 200-liter water and spray it in the soil @ one acre.
- First-hand weeding should be done by running Kolpa or Dora within 25 to 30 days of crop germination.
- When weeds are 2-3 leaves stage, Pyrithiobac Sodium 6% EC+ Quizalofop ethyl 4% EC 350 ml per 200 liters of water and sprayed on an acre field. There must be moisture in the field.
- When narrow-leaf weeds appear in the crop, spray Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @ 400 ml or Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 300 ml per 200 liters of water in an acre field.
- For broadleaf weed control, spray the Paraquat dichloride on the soil surface at 24% SL @ 500 ml per acre in 200 liters of clean water while protecting the crop by planting a hood at 1.5 feet of the crop. It is a non-selective weedicide.
How to increase size of grains along with pod borer control in Green Gram crop
The moong crop may suffer damage due to pod borer (caterpillar), so control it. With this, adopt these measures to increase the size of the grains?
- This pod borer appears green to brown in color, with dark brown stripes on its body.
- The head of the pod borer penetrates into the pod which causes damage by piercing the pod.
- Spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC 60 ml / acre in 200 liters of water for pod borer control. Or
- For this caterpillar prevention, spray Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm + Beauveria bassiana @ 250 gm / acre is mixed with 200 liters of water.
- To increase the size of grains, use 1 kg of Sulfur of Potash-0: 0: 50 fertilizer mixed with this spray.
Sowing of same type of cotton seeds is not in the interest of farmers – Department of Agriculture
Sowing of cotton has started in many areas of Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, the demand for 659 of the same variety of BT Cotton is very high amongst the cotton farmers. On this demand for seeds of the same variety, the Deputy Director of Agriculture Department, Shri R.S. Gupta said that it is not in the interest of farmers.
Mr. R.S. Gupta appealed to the farmers and said, “Sometimes due to uncertainty of the weather, applying the same variety causes crop damage due to excess rainfall, no rainfall, growth of insect wounds, etc. and farmers have to suffer financial loss. So in addition to the 659 varieties of BT cotton available in the market, seeds of other varieties were also sown. ”
He further explained that in addition to cotton, crops like jowar, maize, moong, urad, pigeon pea, paddy, soybean, etc. should adopt a multi-cropping system to maintain biodiversity and benefit from the other crop if one crop is spoiled due to weather conditions and it help improve the environment. ”
Source: dprmp.org
ShareMethod of sowing Chilli seeds in nursery
It is very important to keep some things in mind while sowing chilli seeds in the nursery. This produces good seedlings in the nursery.
- To prepare chilli plantation, firstly sowing the seeds in 3 x 1.25 m size beds.
- These beds should be raised 8-10 cm high from the ground so that seeds and plants do not rot due to water accumulation.
- Add 750 gm DAP, 100 gm Incryl (seaweed, amino acids, humic acid and Mycorrhiza) and 250 gm Trichoderma viride per square meter to the soil in 150 kg FYM to increase plant growth with soil structure. and it also protects against harmful soil borne fungal diseases.
- The nursery requires 60-80 grams of chilli seeds for one acre field.
- Sowing seeds by making 0.5-1 cm deep drains at a distance of 5 cm in the beds.
- After sowing, continue irrigating as needed.
How to choose a location for planting chili nursery?
While choosing the place for planting chilli nursery, we can get good production from its crop by keeping some things in mind.
- The land should be fertile, loamy soil, weed free and have a good drainage system.
- Do not choose acidic or alkaline soil.
- Near the nursery should not have very large trees.
- The nursery has long sunlight.
- Near the nursery should have irrigation facilities.
- The chosen area should be high so that water does not stay.
- Do not build a nursery repeatedly in one place.
Farmers will sell their produce through online portals in 962 mandis
Farmers often face a lot of problems selling their produce. Sometimes they do not get the right price, sometimes they do not get buyers. In order to overcome this problem, the government started an online portal e-NAM in the year 2016. It is a type of online market which is very popular among farmers and agricultural traders. Recently some new features were added to this portal, with the help of which farmers can sell their produce directly from home or farm. Recently, various mandis of states have also been added to this portal.
Let us know that this portal, known as National Agricultural Market (E-NAM), has recently been connected to 177 new mandis. After this, the total number of mandis in e-NAM now stands at 962. Earlier the number was 785.
Any farmer can register himself on this portal. Farmers can upload their produce for sale online to the mandis registered in the e-NAM and traders can also bid for the lots available for sale under the e-NAM from any location.
For more information, visit www.enam.gov.in
Source: Kisan Samadhan
ShareMethod of sowing in cotton
- The soil should be well crushed by deep ploughing in the field.
- About 450 grams of cotton seed per acre of hybrid or Bt variety is used for sowing.
- In hybrid and Bt castes, the distance from row to row is 4 feet (48 inch) and between plant and plant is 1.5 (18 inch) feet.
- Give the first irrigation just after sowing.
How to keep papaya seedlings healthy while planting
- Tillage the field properly and leveling it and the light slope of the land is good.
- In the month of May of 50 X 50 X 50 (length, width and depth) cm size, at a distance of 2 x 2 meters, should be dug and left open for 15 days, so that the heat and sunlight damage harmful insects, their eggs, pupa and fungi spores get destroyed.
- In these pits, mix 20 kg FYM, half kg Super phosphate, 250 gram muriate of potash soil and fill it in the pits 10-15 days before planting.
- When the plants become 15 cm, then they should be planted in pits and given a light amount of water.
PM KISAN: 9.13 crore farmers get benefits, you can register yourself in minutes
A nationwide lockdown has continued since March to prevent the spread of corona infection. During this period, 9.13 crore farmers have benefited from PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. An amount of Rs 18,253 crore has been sent to the bank account of the farmers under this scheme. However, many farmers are still unable to join this scheme, due to which they have not been able to get the benefit.
Explain that it is very easy to register under this scheme. You can register for PM-Kisan Yojana online through some steps.
For this, first go to the official website of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and log on. After that, move your mouse cursor over the ‘Farmers Corner’ section and select the ‘New Farmer Registration’ option in its drop down list. After this, you will have to enter the number and captcha of the Aadhaar card and then you will have to complete the registration process by putting your complete information on the page that opens.
Through this official website of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, you can also see the list of beneficiaries of the scheme.
Source: Dainik Jagran
ShareIdentification and control measures of fruit borer in Mango tree
- The adult of this insect is in the form of moths, with front wings dark brown and hind wings white-gray.
- This insect lays eggs on the fruit, from which the larvae enter and eat the fruit.
- The head of this larva is black and the body is pale pink color, which turns red-brown in color.
- In starting, these larvae scrape off the peel of the fruit, which causes crust-like spots. Later they enter.
- Black penetration holes are seen in the affected fruits from which pulp and juice come out.
- Its infestation starts from the pea size of the fruit to fruit matures.
Collect and destroy the affected fruit. - Spray neem oil or neem based insecticides with 5 ml per liter of water at an interval of 15 days should be done from the stage of fruit formation. Or
- Mix 1 ml deltamethrin 2.8 EC per liter of water and spray it at an interval of 15 days.
- Spray 20 ml lambda cyhalothrin 4.9% EC with Beauveria bassiana 75 gm in 15 liters of water.