After 27 years in MP, large locust attack, Threat on Moong crop of 8000 crores

After 27 years in MP, large locust attack, Threat on Moong crop of 8000 crores

Crop’s biggest enemy locust team has knocked strongly in Madhya Pradesh after many years. Officials of the Department of Agriculture say that such a large attack of locusts has occurred in Madhya Pradesh after 27 years. Not only this, but the attack is also expected to continue till the monsoon.

These locust teams, which have entered Rajasthan from Pakistan and Madhya Pradesh from Rajasthan, have spread to many areas of Madhya Pradesh via Malwa Nimar. To avoid this, farmers are using drums, thali, crackers, and sprays so that these teams run away.

According to agricultural experts, if this problem is not controlled in time, it may ruin the mung bean crop of Rs 8000 crore. Not only this, the risk of cotton and chilli crop has also remained.

However, to avoid this problem, farmers should form groups at their level at night and monitor the fields as locust teams sit in the fields to rest at 7 to 9 pm and cause great damage to the crop overnight.

Source: NDTV


How to control leaf curl, know its cause in Papaya crop

How to control leaf curl, know its cause in Papaya crop
  • This leaf curl disease is caused by the virus and the spread of this disease is done by the vector whitefly.
  • This whitefly also acquires viruses while sucking the leaves and transmits the viruses in them while sucking with healthy leaves.
  • To control this, Diafenthiuron 50% WP @ 15 grams per 15 liters of water dissolving and spray on the leaves. Or
  • Spray on leaves Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 15 ml or Acetamiprid 20% SP @ 8 gm on dissolving in 15 liters of water. 

Know the cause and identity of leaf curl disease in Papaya crop

Know the cause and identity of leaf curl disease in Papaya crop
  • Symptoms of leaf curl appear only on the leaves. affected leaves become small and corrugated.
  • Deformity of leaves and yellowing of veins are common symptoms of the disease.
  • Affected leaves turn downwards and as a result they appear to be inverted cups, which is a special symptom of leaf curl.
  • The leaves become thick, brittle and rough on the upper surface due to overgrowth. Flowering occurs less in diseased plants. In the severity of the disease, the leaves fall and the plant stops growing.

Apart from 6000 rupees, do you know these big benefits from the PM Kisan Scheme?

PM kisan samman

We all know that under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, farmers are given Rs 6,000 annually in three installments of 2000-2000 rupees. But perhaps you will not know that after joining this scheme, farmers get some more benefits very easily.

The farmers associated with PM Kisan Yojana also get Kisan Credit Cards very easily. In fact, now the Kisan Credit Card has also been added to the PM Kisan Scheme.

Apart from this, the farmers associated with the PM Kisan Yojana also get the benefit of the pension scheme easily. It is worth mentioning that the name of the pension scheme is PM Kisan Mandhan Yojana, for which usually a lot of documents are required. But if you are associated with the PM Kisan Scheme then you will not need any document to avail pension scheme.

Source: Zee Business


Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha

Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha
  • Due to the antioxidant properties present in Ashwagandha, it helps in increasing the immunity system of the body.
  • Ashwagandha has anti-stress properties which are beneficial in reducing mental stress, depression and anxiety.
  • It is used to remove sexual debility.
  • Ashwagandha works to increase both white blood cells and red blood cells, which is beneficial in many serious physical problems.
  • Consuming ashwagandha strengthens the heart muscles and helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. .
  • Ashwagandha is used to eliminate the negative effects of chemotherapy used as a treatment for cancer.
  • Its intake works effectively against cataracts. It is also a great option for increasing eye light.

Now farmers of MP will directly connect with exporters of many states including Maharashtra, UP

Now farmers of MP will directly connect with exporters of many states including Maharashtra, UP

Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Mr. Kamal Patel held a meeting with the ministry through video conferencing in which he directly interacted with the exporters. During this, he informed that more than 10 exporters of various states including Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh have shown interest in agriculture products of Madhya Pradesh through the Agricultural and Pro-version Food Products Export Development Authority.

During this meeting, the exporters requested the minister Mr. Patel that “If the state government provides the facilities, they will contract with the farmers of the state and export agricultural products to other states.” On this request of exporters, Minister Shri Patel assured them that “Chief Minister of the state Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan will take decisions in the interest of farmers and the government will provide necessary support and facilities to the exporters.”

Minister Shri Patel said that “all the necessary facilities are being made available to the farmers in the state to benefit their produce. The expert group is going to provide facilities like cold storage, grading, set standards for export, etc.”

Source: Krishak Jagat


Know the importance of removing and germinate extra plants in the Cotton field

  • Some seeds do not grow after 10 days of sowing cotton in the field and some plants die after growing.
  • This can happen due to many reasons such as rotting of seeds, sowing the seeds in more depth, eating of seeds by any insect or not getting enough moisture, etc.
  • In these empty places, there is a direct effect on production if the plant does not grow, so seeds should be sown again at these places. This action is called Gap Filling.
  • The distance between the plants in the queues in the cotton field should be the same. The process of filling this space is called Gap Filling.
  • Gap filling keeps the distance between the plants the same. Due to which the production of cotton is good.
  • On the other hand, if more than one seed falls at the same place at the time of sowing, more plants grow at the same place.
  • If these plants are not removed timely, then it directly affects our production.
  • Therefore, the removal of these extra plants is called Thinning. In the cotton crop, Thinning is done 15 days after sowing. So that the plants get the right amount of manure and fertilizer and the plants get proper growth.

Outbreak of nematode in Brinjal crop

Outbreak of nematode in Brinjal crop
  • Due to nematodes in the soil, nodes are formed in the roots of brinjal plants.
  • Due to its outbreak, the roots of the plants are not able to absorb nutrients. Due to this, there is a big decrease in the number of flowers and fruits.
  • Leaves start to turn yellow and the entire plant remains dwarf.
  • The plant dies after dying due to excess infection.
  • Do not plant brinjal, chilli, and tomato crops for 2-3 years in the field where problems already appear. 
  • Do deep plowing in the affected field in summer.  
  • Apply marigold between 1-2 rows of brinjal crop.
  • Mix 3% of Carbofuran @ 10 kg/ acre before planting.
  • For biological control of nematodes, mix 200 kg Neem cake or 2 kg Verticillium chlamydosporium or 2 kg Paecilomyces lilacinus or 2 kg Trichoderma harzianum with 100 kg of good rotten dung and mix it at the rate of one acre per acre.

7 crore farmers get big relief, exemption for not depositing agricultural loan for 3 months

Gramophone's onion farmer

The countrywide lockdown has been going on for more than two months to prevent the infection of the Corona global epidemic. Due to this lockdown, farmers have been facing many problems. Because of these problems, now 7 crore KCC holder farmers have been given big relief. The date of depositing the next installment of the loan taken by the farmers has been extended.

The date of depositing the installment was increased once earlier from March month to 31 May. Now this extended date has once again been extended for three months to 31 August. This means that even if you do not pay the loan installment for the next 3 months, the bank will not put any pressure on you.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Identification and treatment of root rot disease in cotton crop

Identification and treatment of root rot disease in cotton crop
  • The withering of cotton plants is the first symptom of this disease.
  • Due to this, in severe cases all the leaves may fall or the plant may fall.
  • In this disease, the root bark bursts after yellowing due to which water and nutrients do not reach the plant properly.
  • The entire root system rotting and the plant can be uprooted easily.
  • Initially, only a few plants are affected in the field. Then, with time, the disease spreads around the entire field, forming a circle around these plants.
  • To prevent disease, seeds should be treated @ 5 grams of Trichoderma viride or 10 grams of Pseudomonas fluorescens per kg. or
  • Treat seeds @ 2.5 gm Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP per kg.
  • To protect, spread 2 acres of Trichoderma viride in 4 tons FYM and spread it in an acre field.
  • For disease control, mix 500 gm of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP or 500 gm Thiophanate Methyl 75% WP or 600 gm Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP in 200 liters of water and drenching near the stem of the plant.