Rain breaks all records in Madhya Pradesh, life is disturbed

Heavy rains may occur in these states, Meteorological Department issued alert

For the last three days, clouds have been raining in many districts of Madhya Pradesh. Especially the capital Bhopal and the economic capital Indore were affected by the heavy rains. In many neighborhoods of both cities, water logging took place.

The capital Bhopal received 8.5 inches of rain in just 24 hours, which is the record for one day of rain in August after 14 years. In Indore, for the first time in 100 years, it rained 12.5 inches in one day for the first time in this monsoon, all 52 districts received rains.

Around 300 people were rescued by boat due to rising water level in Khan river in Indore. Barodia Nipania road has been closed for traffic due to the dam burst in Malwa district.

Source: NDTV


What is Trichoderma

  • Trichoderma is a biological fungicide.
  • It is a very effective biological tool for plant disease management,
  • Trichoderma is a powerful biocontrol agent and is used extensively for soil-borne diseases such as Fusarium, Phytophthora, Sclerosis, etc. 
  • Trichoderma also acts as a growth agent, nematodes are also controlled if it is used as a protective form.
  • It is also used for seed treatment, germination occurs very quickly by treating seeds, as well as protection from seed-borne diseases.
  • Trichoderma is used as an effective controller of root rot, stem rot, wilt disease, etc.

Importance of Nitrogen Bacteria for Potato Crop

  • Nitrogen bacteria is a very important bacteria for potato crops.
  • The use of nitrogen bacteria as soil treatment before sowing brings great benefits to the crop.
  • These bacteria live freely around the soil and plant roots and convert atmospheric nitrogen into nutrients and provide them with the plants.
  • Nitrogen bacteria also produce hormones that increase the yield of potato plants, which aids in crop growth.
  • Using these, the yield of the crop increases by 10-20 percent.
  • This organic fertilizer can partially complete the nitrogen requirement of plants.
  • About 15 to 20 kg of nitrogen per hectare can be saved by the use of nitrogen bacteria.

Heavy rain started in Madhya Pradesh from Friday, will continue for the next few days

Possibility of heavy rains in many states, Orange alert issued

Due to heavy rains in many parts of the country, life has been disrupted. Talk about Madhya Pradesh, since Friday evening, heavy rains are continuing in many areas of Madhya Pradesh. The Meteorological Department believes that heavy rains may continue in the future.

Apart from this, the Indian Meteorological Department has also issued an ‘Orange Alert’ for heavy rains in Mumbai, Thane, Raigad and other areas of Konkan. The Meteorological Department has predicted heavy rains over the next 24 hours in Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and southern parts of Bengal. The department has issued a red alert to six districts of Madhya Pradesh, Hoshangabad, Jabalpur, Betul, Narsinghpur, Seoni and Harda districts.

Source : Jagran


Importance of Potato samriddhi Kit

  • Gramophone offers samriddhi kit for Potato.
  • This kit plays an important role in plant growth by converting essential nutrients found in soil into a soluble form.
  • It eliminates harmful fungi found in soil and prevents damage to the plant
  • This product is made of high-quality natural ingredients which helps in increasing the activity of microorganisms in the soil,
  • It improves the pH of the soil and provides a good start to the roots ensuring its full development, which leads to good production of the crop.
  • Improves soil structure, does not reduce the availability of nutrients in the soil, promotes root growth by improving the flow of nutrients through the root system
  • It also increases absorption of nutrients from the soil by roots, promotes the activity of microorganisms in the soil
  • Plays an important role in the development of crops by destroying the residues of old crops in the field and converting them into useful manure.

Kisan Rail started, this train will stop at these stations of Madhya Pradesh as well

Kisan Rail

To transport farmer’s produce to different locations ‘Kisan Train’ was started on 20 August from Indian Railways. By this train farmers’ products like fruits, flowers, vegetables, milk and curd will be transported to other parts of the country soon.

This train will start from Devlali in Maharashtra and will go to Danapur in Bihar. This train will cover a total distance of 1519 km in 32 hours. With this train, farmers of Madhya Pradesh will also be able to bring their produce to another destination soon.

According to the Railway Ministry, this train will be stopped at many stations in Madhya Pradesh to give its benefit to the farmers of Madhya Pradesh. This train will stop at Burhanpur, Khandwa, Itarsi, Jabalpur, Satna, Katni and Manikpur etc. stations of Madhya Pradesh.

Source: Zee News


Gramophone Potato Samriddhi Kit will help in advanced potato cultivation

Potato Samriddhi Kit
  • Use Gramophone exclusive samriddhi kit for better potato yield  . 
  • This kit acts as a land reformer
  • By combining the source of four essential bacterias, this kit will effectively help to utilize NPK fertilizers and help in the growth of the crop. Zinc solubilizes the insoluble zinc present in the soil and makes it available to the plants. 
  • This kit contains a biological fungicide Trichoderma viride, capable of preventing most of the soil-borne pathogens like root rot, stem rot, etc. 
  • This kit combines ingredients such as seaweed, amino acids, humic acid, and mycorrhiza. Which will significantly improve soil characteristics and quality, as well as mycorrhiza helps in the development of white roots. Humic acid helps in better vegetative growth of onion/garlic crops by improving the photosynthesis process.
  • Composting bacteria decompose the previous crop residue in the field and convert it into beneficial fertilizer. This product increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the soil.

How to control nematode

What is Nematode
  • Nematodes are like very thin threads. Their body is long cylindrical and the whole body is without segment.
  • The nematode stays inside the soil and keeps a lump in the roots of the crop and damages the crop.
  • Biological treatment is the best solution to control this pest.
  • Soil treatment is the best way to control this pest.
  • chemical treatment :- Soil treat with CARBOFURAN 3 % GR @ 10 kg / acre 
  • Biological treatment:- soil treat at the rate of 50-100 kg FYM @ PAECILOMYCES LINACEOUS (Nematofree) @ 1 kg/acre should be broadcast in an open field.
  • Whenever this product is used, make sure that there is enough moisture in the field.

34 thousand farmers of MP will get benefit of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Irrigation Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

The government has set a target to irrigate 50 thousand hectare area in Madhya Pradesh this year under the Prime Minister’s Agricultural Irrigation Scheme. About 34 thousand farmers will be benefited from this. This information was given by the Minister of State for Horticulture, independent charge Shri Bharat Singh Kushwaha. In the meeting held on this subject, Mr. Kushwaha directed the officers to pay special attention to meeting the target set for the beneficiaries of backward classes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes.

He said that targets should be set according to the demand of local farmers in various schemes operated to encourage production of fruits and flowers and vegetables in the state. The Minister of State said that under the Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme, the target is to irrigate 50 thousand hectare area this year. 34 thousand farmers will be benefited under the scheme.

Source: Krishak Jagat


How to do soil treatment in garlic

  • Before the sowing of Garlic do the soil treatment for control of many soil insects. In an open field, mix 50- 100 kg FYM with METARHIZIUM ANISOPLIAE @ 1 kg culture and broadcast in the field, this helps in the control of soil-borne insects.   
  • Apart from this, other essential nutrient like urea @ 40 kg / acre + DAP @ 20 kg / acre + SSP @ 60 kg / acre + potash @ 40 kg / acre should be broadcast in the field before sowing
  • All these elements are very important for good germination of garlic and should be applied in  soil  at the time of sowing.
  • With this use Gramophone exclusive “ Garlic samriddhi kit ”   
  • This kit includes many products, such as consortia of NPK bacteria, zinc solubilizing bacteria, Trichoderma viride, humic acid, seaweed, amino acids, and mycorrhiza.
  •  With combining all these products, Garlic samriddhi kit has been prepared. The total weight of this kit is 3.2 kg which is sufficient for one acre.
  • Mix this kit with 50-100 kg FYM before sowing and broadcast it in field
  • This kit provides all the necessary nutrients to the garlic crop.