How to prepare the field for sowing Soybean Crop

How to prepare the field for sowing Soybean Crop
  • Preparation of the field should start with a deep plowing, after that, 2-3 plowing harrows or with the help of a soil turning plow, soak the soil so that the water holding capacity of the soil is increased and seed germination can also be done well.
  • In May and June, the sunlight falls directly on the ground and the temperature is high, due to destroyed weeds, their seeds, harmful pests, and their eggs, pupa as well as the spores of the fungi present in the soil on deep plowing. 
  • At the time of final plowing, mix 7 kg Soya Samriddhi kit issued by Gramophone in 4 tons FYM and level the field by running a pot.
  • There should be moisture in the soil while using this kit.

Improvement in essential commodities law, farmers will be able to sell produce outside the market

In the second cabinet meeting in a week held at the Prime Minister’s residence on Wednesday, several decisions related to farmers have been taken. It was said in this meeting that India is moving in the direction of One Nation One Market. During this period, the declarations of farming were approved under the Self-Reliant India Package and many agricultural products were removed from the Essential Commodities Act.

Along with this, farmers have been allowed to sell products outside the APMC Act. Now the farmers will be able to sell their produce directly to the exporters in addition to the mandi so that they will get more profit.

The Essential Commodities Act is more than six decades old, which is now amended by the government. Under this amendment, essential commodities like cereals, pulses, potatoes, and onions, etc. have been removed from the law. The government has taken this decision to improve the agricultural sector and to increase the income of farmers.

Source: Amar Ujala


Transplanting method and fertilizer management of Chilli

Transplanting method and fertilizer management of Chilli
  • In the field, deep plowing and 3-4 plowing with harrows or native plow should be done.  By doing this, the harmful insects present in the soil, their eggs, the pupa,  spores of the fungi are also destroyed. After that field should be platted. 
  • After the final plowing, the ‘Chilli Samriddhi Kit’ published by Gramophone, which has a volume of 6.3 kg, should be mixed well with the final plowing or sowing time @ 5 tonnes per acre FYM. After that, give light irrigation.
  • After 35 to 40 days of sowing the chilli plant is ready for transplanting. Transplanting of rainy chilli plants should be done from mid-June to mid-July.
  • Before transplanting, light irrigation should be done in the nursery and the field, by doing this the root of the plant does not break, the growth is good and the plant gets planted easily.
  • After removing the plant from the nursery, it should not be kept directly in the sun.
  • For good growth of roots, make a solution in one-liter water at 5 grams of mycorrhiza per liter. After this, the roots of chili plants should be submerged in this solution for 10 minutes. After adopting this process, transplanting in the field so that chilli plants remain healthy in the field.
  • The distance of chili plants should be 60 cm and 45 cm from a distance of row to row & plant to plant respectively. Light water should be given to the field immediately after transplanting.
  • At the time of transplanting fertilizer basal dose 45 kg Urea, 200 kg SSP and 50 kg MOP should be broadcast in the one-acre field.

Selection of nursery area and preparation of nursery for paddy crop

Selection of nursery area and preparation of nursery for paddy crop
  • For preparing healthy and disease-free plants, proper drainage and high nutrient loamy soil is suitable and select the nursery near the source of irrigation.
  • By plowing the nursery area 3-4 times in summer and leaving the field empty so soil-related diseases are greatly reduced.
  • Nursery preparations are done one month before sowing. Weeds should be allowed to grow in the nursery area by giving water at an interval of 15 days and by plowing or
  • Destroy the weeds by spraying nonselective weeds such as Paraquat dichloride 24% SL or Glyphosate 41% SL @ 1000 ml per acre. By doing this weeds will also be reduced in the main crop of paddy.
  • Add 1 kg of composting bacteria to 50 kg FYM. Then irrigate the field and keep water in the field for two days.
  • 1.5-2.0 meter width and 8-10 meter length should be kept for proper care of the nursery beds. The nursery requires an area of ​​400 square meters for 1 acre. 
  • In the nursery, the crop requires proper vegetative growth as well as root development. Spray urea 20 kg + humic acid in 3 kg per acre nursery.
  • Sowing of paddy should be started as soon as the rain starts. Sowing time is best from mid-June to the first week of July.

Timely advice related to agriculture for farmers in the changing environment

Timely advice related to agriculture for farmers in the changing environment

Advice for moong crop:

Seeing the possibility of good rainfall at present, harvest the moong crop as soon as possible. Those whose mung bean crop is slightly green but the legumes have fully matured, harvest the best crop by spraying 100 ml per acre using paraquat dichloride 24% SL (ozone or gramoxone).

Use of composting bacteria:

As you know, the rains have happened before time, so there is a possibility of mold growth and to avoid this, the residues of the remaining crop in the fields need to be rot. For this, spread the speed compost with 4 kg and 500 grams of Trichoderma viridi (Rhizocare) per acre mixed with 50 kg of rotten cow dung in the field. If there is a waste of wheat, 45 kg of urea, and 10 kg of urea if green vegetables are used. Use them only when there is sufficient moisture.

If the farmer does light plowing with the above biological treatment, then chances of good results increase.

Tips for Chili crop:

At this time the safety of chili nursery is very important. Therefore, sprinkle 10 grams of thiomethoxome 25 WG (avidant or Areva) with Kasugamycin 5% + Copper oxychloride 45% WP (Konica) 30 g per pump to protect the plant from fungi and pests.


Last date for registration of crop insurance scheme came, register soon and avail benefits

Crop Insurance

FasaDue to natural disasters like unseasonal rains, hail, drought, crops of farmers is often affected. The Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme protects farmers from these losses. The final date of the crop insurance scheme for this year has arrived. For Kharif crops, the farmers who want to avail of this benefit should insure their crops by 31 July 2020.

Indebted farmers who do not want to avail of crop insurance facility, can give written notice of it in their bank branch 7 days in advance. Apart from this, non-debtor farmers can also insure their crops. For this, these farmers will have to use CSC, bank, agent, or insurance portal.

How to apply?

You can apply for this through the bank and also online. To apply online, go to the link and fill the form. For this application, a photo and identification card such as PAN card, driving license, voter ID card, or Aadhaar card is required. Apart from this, a document is also required for address proof, for which the farmer has to show the documents related to farming and the Khasra number. For the truth of the crop that has been sown, a letter of pradhan, patwari, or sarpanch has to be given. A cancellation check has to be given so that the claim amount comes directly into the account.

Source: Krishi Jagran


How to dig and storage Jayad Groundnut

How to dig and storage Jayad Groundnut
  • Jayad groundnut should be dug when the leaves of the plant start turning yellow and veins rise above the peanut bean and the inner parts become brown.
  • Digging the field with light irrigation and after uprooting the plants from the land, make small bundles and dry them thoroughly in light sun or shade.
  • Separate peanuts from plants. The mechanical Groundnut Digger is useful for reducing labor loss in groundnut digging.
  • Careful drying should be done after digging to maintain proper storage and germination capacity in groundnuts as the germination potential declines if the groundnut is dried in strong sunlight.
  • The moisture content in the matured grains should not exceed 8 to 10% before storage. Otherwise, aspergillus fungi in peanuts cause moisture, which is harmful to human and animal health, due to excess moisture.
  • Fully dried beans should be stored in a ventilated place. Where they cannot absorb moisture or in each sack, storage by calcium chloride 300 grams per 40 kg seed rate.
  • Protect from insect moths that are harmful during storage, so that the beans do not get spoiled during storage.

How to protect crops from Locust attack

How to protect crops from Locust attack
  • The locust party lumps the crops within a few hours, as well as eliminates all the greenery of the tree on which it sits. Therefore, upon seeing the locust party without delay, immediately inform the administration.
  • To remove or drive them out of the area, they should be blown away by blowing sound equipment.
  • Make a fire in your fields, bursting firecrackers, noising thali, drums, can also make a loud sound by removing the tractor’s silencer.
  • If you see a bunch of locusts sitting in your fields in the evening, then cultivate the field at night. Apart from this, run the pillar behind the cultivator, iron pipe, or any other similar item through the dam. By doing this, the land behind will be flat again and the locust will die by pressing into it.
  • The places where the locusts lay eggs can be destroyed by digging or by filling water or plowing. Or Malathion 5% powder should be burnt at @ 10 kg per acre.
  • Nymphs of locust coming out of the eggs are not able to move in the first and second stages, so they should be destroyed. In the third stage, they start walking in the herd, so dig a trench about 2.5 feet deep and 1 foot wide in the walking direction so that Nymphs of locust fall in it and then destroy it by pressing into the soil.
  • Locusts can be killed by spraying them with pesticides.
  • For locust control, Chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 480 ml or Chlorpyrifos 50% EC @ 200 ml or Deltamethrin 2.8% EC @ 200 ml or Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 160 ml or Lambda-cyhalothrin 10% WP @ 80 gm or Malathion 50% EC @ 740 ml pesticides can be used on these locusts @ 200 liters of water per acre. 

Good News for Farmers: Increase in Minimum Support Price of 14 Kharif Crops

Good News for Farmers Increase in Minimum Support Price of 14 Kharif Crops

In the midst of the Corona crisis, there is great news for farmers. The good news comes from a meeting of the Union Cabinet chaired by Modi yesterday. In this meeting, the minimum support price for 14 crops of Kharif season has been fixed, which has been increased as compared to last year.

The cabinet has fixed MSP of Paddy at Rs 1868, Jowar at Rs 2620, Millet at Rs 2150 per quintal. Besides, MSP of Maize has been fixed at Rs 1850, Peanut Rs 5275, Sunflower Rs 5885, Soybean at Rs 3880 and Cotton’s medium fiber yield at Rs 5515 and long fiber yield at Rs 5825 per quintal.

Significantly, the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), in its report presented before the Union Cabinet recently, recommended raising the support price of 17 kharif crops. Now the Union Cabinet has increased the minimum support price for 14 crops of the Kharif season keeping these recommendations of the CACP.

Source: Zee Business


Nisarg storm will hit Mumbai: heavy rain will occur in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP

Nisarg storm will hit Mumbai heavy rain will occur in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP

Just a few days ago, the Amfan cyclone caused a lot of havoc in the Bay of Bengal and now due to a low pressure area over the Arabian Sea, a cyclone named Nisarg is about to start. The cyclone will hit the coasts of Gujarat and Maharashtra at a speed of around 100 kmph passing through the western coasts.

In the 100-year history of cyclonic storms, it has never been seen that a cyclonic storm that develops in the Arabian Sea is formed in June and has hit the shores of Maharashtra. This means that this will be the first cyclone of its kind in a century that is going to hit Mumbai after developing in the Arabian Sea.

The storm will hit Mumbai on June 3 and its impact can be seen in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh. Due to this storm, between June 3 and June 5, these areas can get good रेंस.

Source: jagran
