Importance of Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria in soil

Importance of Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria in soil
  • Zinc is an essential micronutrient required for plant growth. But it remains unavailable in the soil, which the plants cannot easily use.
  • There is a 50% zinc deficiency in India’s arable land. This micro element is helpful in controlling ‘Khaira disease’ in paddy and white bud disease in maize crop.
  • Adding zinc-solubilizing bacteria to the soil has several advantages, such as the continuous supply of available zinc, improving fertilizer use efficiency, crop yield, yield quality, improving soil health and increasing hormone activation.
  • Zinc soluble bacteria produce organic acids in the soil, causing the unavailable state of zinc to convert the available material to the plants, besides maintaining the pH balance of the soil.
  • At the time of last ploughing or at the time of sowing, 4 tonnes FYM or compost should be used by mixing 2-4 kg of zinc soluble bacteria in crops and dispersing it in one acre field.

It is very easy to make a Kisan credit card, farmers can also make KCC from mobile

It is very easy to make a farmer credit card, farmers can also make KCC from mobile

Crores of farmers are benefiting from the farmers credit card given by the government to the farmers. However, still many farmers have not been able to join it. Such farmers can easily get a farmer credit card. Farmers can also apply for a farmer credit card from their mobile at home

Method of application from mobile

To apply for a Kisan Credit Card with the help of mobile, first of all, farmers have to open the mobile browser. After this, the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare will have to visit On reaching here, you will have to go to the ‘APPLY NEW KCC’ menu. On going to this menu, you will be asked the CSC ID and Password, which you will have to fill. After filling it, once again you have to click on ‘APPLY NEW KCC’ and then you will have to fill ‘Aadhaar’ number. Here you have to fill the number of the same applicant whose name is associated with PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. After filling the Aadhaar number, information related to PM Kisan Financial Detail will be revealed. Here you have to click on ‘Issue of fresh KCC’ and after this, Loan Amount and Beneficiary Mobile Number have to be filled. After this, the information of village name, Khasra number etc. will have to be filled. After filling all the information, click on ‘Submit Details’.

After submitting the information, a new window will open in front of you, in which you will be asked to pay. It has to be submitted from the balance of CSC ID and in this way your Kisan Credit Card will be prepared.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Know the benefits of Azolla

Know the benefits of Azolla
  • Azola is an aquatic fern that is commonly grown in paddy fields or shallow water.
  • Azola contains a microorganism of green algae species called Anabina which stabilizes atmospheric nitrogen in the presence of sunlight and contains 3.5 percent nitrogen and various types of organic matter which increase fertility of the land.
  • The use of azolla as a fertilizer is expected to increase the production of paddy crop by 5 to 15 percent.
  • The use of Azolla supplies protein, amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, which is good for the physical development of animals. 
  • Using azolla feed, it increases 20% more milk production than animals and its milk is found to be more fat and non-fat. 
  • Presently, given the availability of useful nutrients for animals, ajola can be called cheap, digestible and nutritious supplementary animal feed for milch animals, chickens and goats.

Organic products present in the Soya Samriddhi Kit and method of use

Organic products present in the Soya Samriddhi Kit and method of use
  • Soya Samriddhi Kit plays an important role in increasing soybean yield.
  • Soya Samriddhi Kit contains organic products like Trichoderma viride, Potash and Phosphorus bacteria, Rhizobium bacteria, Humic acid, Amino acids, Seaweed, and Mycorrhiza.
  • Trichoderma viride present in this kit is capable of preventing the most harmful fungi found in soil. It is used for 4 grams per kg of seed treatment and 2 kg per acre of soil treatment.
  • The second product of this kit is a mixture of two different microorganisms which increases the availability of potash and phosphorus in the soybean crop and also helps in production growth. It is used in the soil at a rate of 2 kg per acre.
  • The third product of this kit contains Rhizobium bacteria which develops legumes in soybean roots, nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere, and available to the crop. This 5 gram per kg seed is used for seed treatment and 1 kg per acre is used.
  • The last product of this kit contains humic acid, amino acids, seaweed extract, and mycorrhiza ingredients. It is used in soil @ 2 kg per acre.
  • 7 kg of Soya Samriddhi Kit (which includes all the above organic products) should be mixed with 4 tons FYM at the time of the last plowing or before sowing @ one acre so that the crop gets its full benefit.

Testing soil with gramophone proved a boon for Khargone farmer

The most important requirement for farming is the soil, hence the healthy soil is very important to get a good production from any crop. The same fact was understood by the farmer Mr. Shekhar Pemaji Chaudhary, a resident of village Pipri under Bhikgaon tehsil of Khargone district. Shekhar had been cultivating bitter gourd for the last few years, in which there was sometimes some loss or even some benefit, but this time he grew bitter gourd as per the advice of Gramophone, in which he got better profit.

This time, Shekhar got Gramophone agricultural experts to conduct soil testing of their fields before cultivation of bitter gourd and also got soil treatment done according to the advice of experts. By doing this, the nutrients in the soil were replenished and it was ready for harvest. After this, Shekhar cultivated bitter gourd and when it came to production, it was much higher than before.

So in this way, soil testing gave Shekhar good production from the bitter gourd crop. If you also want to get your soil tested, then you can contact our toll free number 18003157566 for this. You will be given every information related to soil testing here. Apart from this, you can also login on Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Mites control in Chili crop

Mites control in Chili crop
  • These are small yellowish-green insects that suck the juice by staying on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Due to which the leaves turn downwards. White to yellow spots appear on the surface after eating leaves.
  • These mites form white colored threads on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Due to excess attack, along with the number of flowers and fruits, the quality also decreases and the plant starts drying up.
  • For effective control of this pest, spray Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml or Spiromesifen 22.9% SC @ 200 ml or Abamectin 1.9% EC @ 150 ml in 200 liters of water per acre.

Importance of Rhizobium culture in soybean crop

Importance of Rhizobium culture in soybean crop
  • Rhizobium is  a bacteria found in soybean roots which increases the crop yield by atmospheric nitrogen fixing. But currently the amount of undesirable elements in the soil has so much increased that the bacteria of Rhizobium in the soybean crop are unable to function to the best of their ability. 
  • Therefore, using Rhizobium culture produces fast legume in the roots of soybean crop and increases the yield of soybean by 50-60%.
  • The use of Rhizobium culture increases about 12-16 kg of nitrogen to the soil per acre.
  • Rhizobium culture is done by adding 5 grams per kg of seed for seed treatment and 1 kg of culture per 50 kg FYM before sowing for soil treatment.
  • Nitrogen deposited by Rhizobium bacteria present in the roots of the pulses is used in the next crop, which also requires less fertilization in the next crop.

Registration for purchase of Urad and Moong started at MSP in MP, this is the last date

The harvesting of moong and urad crop has started by farmers, and the process of registration has also started for procurement of moong and urad on MSP from Madhya Pradesh government. This process has been started from 4 June and its last date is 15 June.

These dates have been announced by tweeting through the official Twitter handle of Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Department. State Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel also retweeted this tweet from the Agriculture Department on Tuesday through his official Twitter handle.

It is important to note that the wheat procurement work has been finished in the state and after that the work of purchasing other crops is also being started slowly so that farmers can focus on their other crops.

Source: Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Department


Current advice related to Soybean cultivation in the changing environment

Current advice related to Soybean cultivation in the changing environment

For the cultivation of soybean, sow after 20 June. Rainfall is likely to occur by the end of September this year, so short-term soybean varieties may be a problem. Hence long-term soybeans can be used for early planting. For seed treatment, take out the seeds of soybean and prepare the seeds after treatment.

For seed treatment use clean and Vitavax 2.5 gram per kg seed and Jhalora 2.0 ml per kg seed, P Rise 2.0 gram for organic seed treatment along with Rhizo Care 5 gram per kg. It is necessary to treat soybean with Rhizobium at the rate of 5 grams per kg of seeds. If there is a problem of drying soybeans in your field, then spread the rhizocare 500 grams per acre with good ripe dung manure. Be sure to use Soybean Samriddhi Kit before sowing.


Protection white fly in cotton

Protection of whitefly in cotton
  • Its nymphs and adults suck the juice by sticking it on the leaves, which causes light yellow color to fall on the leaves. Later the leaves become completely yellow and deformed.
  • This pest helps to spread viral disease.
  • To control this, Diafenthiuron 50% WP 250 gm or Pyriproxyfen 10% + bifenthrin 10% EC 250 ml or
  • Spraying of Flonicamid 50% WG 60 gm or Acetamiprid 20% SP 100 gm per acre in 200 liters of water.