For improved cultivation of peas, do seed treatment before sowing

peas seed treatment
  • Like the way soil treatment is necessary, seed treatment is also very important before sowing.
  • By treating seeds, seed-borne diseases are controlled as well as ensuring quality germination.
  •  Seed treatment is done by two methods.
  • Chemical treatment: – Before sowing, treat Pea seeds with CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% @ 2.5gram / kg seed or CARBOXIN 17.5%+ THIRAM 17.5% @ 2.5g / kg seed.
  • Biological treatment: -TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 5 gram / kg + PSB @ 2 gram / or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 5 gram / kg seeds.

There may be rain in many parts of the country, know the weather forecast of your state

weather forecast

Monsoon is still active in many parts of the country due to which there are chances of rain in many states. The flood situation has arisen due to heavy rains in many states. According to the Meteorological Department, heavy rains are expected in many states of the country in the coming hours.

According to the Meteorological Department, light to moderate rains may occur in many states including eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rayalaseema, Tamil Nadu. Apart from this, due to the cyclone over the eastern central Arabian Sea, there is a possibility of heavy rains over the next 4 to 5 days in Northeast and Peninsular India.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Varieties of early maturing peas

  • Master Harichandra PSM-3
  • SeedX PSM-3

These are the two main varieties of peas, also known as PSM-3, crop duration of these varieties is 60 days and is harvested only once. PSM-3 is an early maturing variety developed through pedigree selection from a cross of Arkel & GC 141. Its plants are dwarf with dark green foliage. The pods are long and well filled with 8-10 seeds. Its green pod yield is 3 MT per acre.

  • Master Harichandra AP3

The crop duration of this variety is 60 days and is harvested only once. Similar to PSM-3 it is an early maturing variety. It gets ready for first harvesting after 70 days of sowing if sown in the second week of October. It gives an average yield of 2 MT per acre


Choose these two pea varieties and get high production

  • Malav super arkel
  • Malav Arkel
  • These are the two main varieties of peas, also known as the Arkel variety.
  • Their crop duration is 60-70 days.
  • Picking can be done 2-3 times
  • The number of seeds (in the pod) is 6-8.
  • They have dwarf plants and high production varieties and have dark green pods.
  • These varieties are resistant to powdery mildew.
  • First picking is in 55-60 days and yields 2 MT per acre

4688 crores of crop insurance will be sent to the accounts of 20 lakh farmers of MP

4688 crores of crop insurance will be sent to the accounts of 20 lakh farmers of MP

Under the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme, on September 16, about 4688 crore rupees will be added to the accounts of about 20 lakh farmers of the state. On September 16, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan will send this amount to farmers’ accounts by pressing a button. This is the outstanding amount of crop insurance for the year 2019.

According to the news, the entire amount of crop insurance dues for the year 2019 will reach all 20 lakh farmers from September 16 to 18. Significantly, due to inclement weather, there is no loss to the farmers due to loss of crops, hence the farmers are insured under this scheme.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Varieties of peas useful for better yield

  • Malav Venezia
  • UPL/Advanta/Golden GS – 10
  • Malav MS10
  • These are the three main varieties of peas, also known as pencil varieties. It is sweet to eat.
  • Their harvesting period is 75-80 days.
  • picking can be done 2-3 times.
  • The number of seeds (in the pod) is 8-10.
  • They are medium tall in height with well spread lateral branches
  • 4 MT per acre yield and these varieties  are resistant to powdery mildew

Sow these three onion varieties of rabi and move towards better yield

These three advanced onion varieties of Rabi
  • These are the three main Rabi varieties of onion:
  • ONION | ELLORA | GULABI |:- Oval Round, Attractive Pink, Ready to harvest within 120-130 days, Seed rate per acre is 2-3 kg, Storage capacity is 7 months
  • ONION | MALAV | RUDRAKSHA |:-  Globe/Light Red, Ready to harvest within 100-110 days, Seed rate per acre is 3 kg, Storage capacity is 6-8 months
  • ONION | MALAV | RUDRAKSHA | PLUS |:-Globe/Light Red, Ready to harvest within 90-100 days, Seed rate per acre is 2.5-3 kg, Storage capacity is 6-8 months.

Mandi Bhaw: What is the price of onion, wheat, gram and soybean in the Mandis of MP

Onion prices are running at Rs 450 per quintal at Indore’s Gautampura mandi and tomato prices at Rs 900 per quintal at Sendhwa mandi in Barwani district. The price of cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, okra, and gourd in Sendhwa Mandi is running at Rs 900, 950, 900, 900, 750 per quintal respectively.

Talking about Khacharoud Mandi in Ujjain district, the prices of wheat, gram, and soybean are running at Rs 1550, 5151, 3550 per quintal respectively. Apart from this, the model rate of wheat in Ujjain’s Badnagar mandi is Rs 1880 per quintal, gram Rs 4301 per quintal, dollar gram Rs 6212 per quintal, peas Rs 6180 per quintal, fenugreek rupees 5599 per quintal, garlic Rs 7085 per quintal and soybean. The price is running at Rs 3680 per quintal.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


These three advanced onion varieties of Rabi season are suitable for sowing in nursery

These three advanced onion varieties of Rabi
  • These are the three main Rabi varieties of onion:
  • ONION | JINDAL | PUNE FURSUNGI | ADVANCE | :- Flat Round, Colour Light red bulb with minor reddishness on surface. Ready to harvest within 110-120 days. Seed rate per acre is 3 kg. Storage capacity is 8-9 months
  • ONION | PANCHAGANGA | POONA | FURSUNGI:- Flat Round, Colour Light red bulb with minor reddishness on surface. Ready to harvest within 80-90 days Seed rate per acre is 2.5- 3 kg ,Storage capacity is 4 months.
  • ONION | PRASHANT | FURSUNGI | :- Flat Round, Colour Light red bulb with minor reddishness on surface. Ready to harvest within 110-120 days. Seed rate per acre is 3 kg ,Storage capacity is 5-6  months. 

Select these three onion varieties with many beneficial features

These three onion varieties of late kharif are suitable for sowing in nursery
  • These are the three main late Kharif varieties of onion, suitable for preparing nursery in the month of September.  
  • ONION | PANCHAGANGA | SARDAR |:-Globe/Red, Ready to harvest within 80-90 days. The seed rate per acre is  2.5-3 kg, Storage capacity is 5-6 months, it’s a high yielding variety.
  • ONION | PANCHGANGA | SUPER |:– Bulb is like a globe in shape and red in color, ready to harvest within 100-110 days. The seed rate per acre is 2.5-3 kg Storage capacity is 2-3  months.
  • ONION | PRACHI | SUPER |:- Oval Round, Attractive Blackish Dark Red color,, Ready to harvest within 95-100 days, Seed Rate per acre is 2.5-3 kg. The storage capacity is about 2 months. 