Importance of calcium in onion and garlic crops

Importance of calcium in onion and garlic crops
  • Calcium is very important for onion and garlic.
  • In onion and garlic, it plays an important role in the establishment of roots and the growth of roots as well as in the early growth of the crop.
  • Increases the height and strength of the onion and garlic plant.
  • Helps protect onion and garlic bulbs against all types of diseases and abiotic stresses. 
  • Calcium deficiency reduces the length of the leaf which can cause the leaf to die without yellowing.

There is a possibility of rain in these states in the last phase of monsoon

weather forecast

The monsoon is at its last stop and with the beginning of October, the final monsoon rains are seen in some states of the country. The monsoon has taken farewell to most states.

According to the Indian Meteorological Department, the southwest monsoon is expected to return from the capital Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, and most parts of northern India while light to moderate rains may occur over many parts of Jharkhand, Bihar, and UP.

During the coming 24 hours, heavy to moderate rains may continue over parts of coastal Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and parts of Gangetic West Bengal. Apart from this, light rains are expected at one or two places in southern Chhattisgarh, Vidarbha, southern parts of Madhya Pradesh and southern Rajasthan as well as northern parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Control of brown plant hopper in paddy crop

Control of brown plant hopper in paddy crop
  • Eggs are laid by the adult near the main vein of the leaves.
  • The shape of the egg is semilunar and the color of the nymph is white to light brown.
  • The damage done by the planthopper is seen as yellowing of the plant.
  • Brown planthoppers suck the sap of the plant. Due to this, the crop dries in a circle, which is known as hopper burn.
  • THIAMETHOXAM 75%SG @ 60 Gram/acre or BUPROFEZIN 15 % + ACEPHATE 35 % WP@ 500 Gram/acre
  • As a biological treatment use Bavaria Basiana @ 250 gram/acre

Control of Leaf Miner in Bottle Gourd

Control of Leaf Miner in Bottle Gourd
  • This pest mainly damages the bottle gourd crop. Caterpillars of this insect first damage the leaves of the bottle gourd plant.
  • After the eggs hatch, the caterpillars make a curved web on the leaves with its silk thread and feed the leaf through the veins.
  • For control of this pest use ABAMECTIN 1.9 % EC@ 150 ml/acre or SPINOSAD 45 % SC@70  ml/acre or PROFENOFOS 40 % + CYPERMETHRIN 4% EC @ 400  ml/acre 
  • As a biological treatment use Bavaria Basiana @ 250 gram/acre

Dhanuka agricultural company joined hands with Gramophone

This large agricultural company joined hands with Gramophone

Gramophone has joined hands with leading agrochemical company Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. With its expertise in the agricultural sector and world-class technologies, the company is endeavoring to increase its reach to farmers and provide them affordable solutions for their crops through the tech platform Gramophone.

However, this partnership will ensure the convenient delivery of agricultural inputs such as seeds, crop protection, and crop nutrition products through agronomy intelligence. Gramophone has also partnered with local young rural entrepreneurs to ensure last-mile delivery. Companies like Dhanuka are also collecting real-time data from farmers across the country. This will help in increasing their productivity by providing the best quality products to the farmers.


Information and characteristics of improved varieties of mustard

Information and characteristics of improved varieties of mustard
  • The percentage of oil content is higher in certified varieties, so sowing  of certified varieties is more beneficial, certified varieties of mustard are follows 
  • Pitambari (RYSK-05-02): – It is a hybrid variety of mustard, with a total yield of 614 kg/acre and early maturing variety (110-115 days).
  • Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ 17): – It is a hybrid variety of mustard, with a total yield of 575-660 kg/acre and it has an oil percentage of 40-45%, suitable for planting irrigated variety and mixed crops.
  • LET-43 (PM30): – This is a hybrid variety of mustard, with a total yield of 625-895 kg/acre and oil percentage is 36-39.4% and uric acid is found in small amounts.

Sow these newly developed varieties of mustard to get good yield

Sow these newly developed varieties of mustard to get good yield
  • Mustard is a major oilseed crop, production can be increased if certified varieties are selected for sowing. Certified varieties of mustard are as follow 
  • RGN-73: – It is a hybrid variety of mustard and has a total yield of 802 kg/acre and contains 40% oil percentage, fully irrigated, and favorable for growing in cold weather.
  • NRC HB 101: – It is a hybrid variety of mustard, with a total yield of 550-600 kg/acre and has an oil percentage of 35-42%, fully irrigated and suitable for late sowing.
  • NRCHB506 (hybrid): – It is a hybrid variety of mustard and has a total yield of 600-1000 kg/acre and oil percentage is  39-43%, fully irrigated, and more adapted.

Registration begins for purchase of Kharif produce on support price in MP

Registration begins for purchase of Kharif produce on support price in MP

Harvesting of Kharif season crops is about to begin now and in view of this, the procurement process has also been started on the support price of Kharif produce. Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said on the subject that “excellent arrangements will be made for procurement from farmers on support price of paddy etc. crops in the Kharif marketing year 2020-21”.

CM said that 1395 registration centers have been set up so far this year for the procurement of paddy, jowar, and millet on support price. Registration has started on these which will run till October 15. Explain that 9 thousand 142 farmers have registered themselves in the first two days of registration.

Talking about the support price, this time the support price of jowar, millet, and paddy has been kept at Rs 2620, 2150, and 1868 per quintal respectively. Last year it was Rs 2550, 2000 and 1825 per quintal respectively.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Spray Management in Onion Nursery in 20 days

How to prepare onion nursery
  • Spray management is very important within twenty days of onion nursery sowing.
  • This spray is used for fungal diseases, control of insects and good growth of onion nursery.
  • Onion nursery gets a good start with the help of this spray.
  • Spray MANCOZEB 64%+ METALAXYL 8% WP @60 gram/pump for fungal diseases.
  • For pest management,  FIPRONIL 40 % + IMIDACLOPRID 40 % WG@ 5 gram / pump.

Nitrogen valuable ingredients for agriculture

Nitrogen valuable ingredients for agriculture
  • Nitrogen is found in soil in both organic and abiotic forms
  • Nitrogen is found 95% in soil, but still, nitrogen deficiency is found in very large amounts in the soil.
  • Nitrogen found in soil is in the organic form which cannot be used by soil and crop.
  • Soil and crops use only inorganic forms of nitrogen.
  • Some of the nitrogen-rich sources are ammonium nitrate (NO3), ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, calcium ammonium nitrate, urea, urea ammonium nitrate. These are all types of inorganic nitrogen.
  • Whenever soil or crop requires it, it dissolves in the soil giving great benefits to plants and also improving soil structure.