Control of Red Pumpkin Beetle in Bitter Gourd

  • The grubs feed on the roots and underground portion of host plants and fruits touching the soil.
  • The damaged roots and infested underground portions of stems start rotting due to secondary infection by saprophytic fungi, and the unripe fruits of such vines dry up.
  • Beetles eat leaves and make holes. When the beetle attacks in the plant’s initial stage, it damages the soft leaves by eating them due to which the plant dies.
  • Due to deep plowing, the pupa or grubs present in the ground come up and die in the sun rays.
  • After germination, soil treatment should be done with Cartap Hydrochloride 4G @ 7.5 kg per acre, around the plant.
  • Spray Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml / acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9 % CS @ 200 ml / acre.
  • Spray Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment or use as a soil treatment.

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