Why did the central government ban onion seed exports?

Why did the central government ban onion seed exports

A few weeks ago, to curb the rising prices of onions, the central government banned the export of onions. Now in this episode, the government has also banned the export of onion seeds till further orders. The government has taken this decision to maintain onion availability in the country.

Information about this decision has been given by the Foreign Trade Directorate. In a notification issued by the Directorate, it was stated that onion seed exports have been put in the banned category, earlier it was in the restricted category. This means that onion seed exports are now completely banned.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Weed management in onion and garlic

Weed management in onion and garlic
  • A huge variety of macro and micronutrients are found naturally in the soil, due to the growth of more weeds, these nutrients are not readily available to onion and garlic crops.
  • This causes a deficiency  of nutrients in the crops and affects the total yield of onion and garlic. 
  • Timely weed management is very important, for these use following products.
  • Pendimethalin 38.7% CS is recommended for effective weed control in garlic within 3 days of sowing at the rate of 700 ml / acre,
  • Propaquizafop 5% + Oxyfluorfen 12% EC @ 250-350 ml / acre is used within   25–25 days of sowing and 40–45 days of sowing.
  • Spray of  Oxyfluorfen 23.5% EC @ 100 ml / acre + Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 300 ml / acre or quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @ 300 ml / acre within  20 to 25 days of  sowing.

Control of Aphids in Pea

Control of Aphids in Pea
    • Aphid (Mahu) Symptoms: – Aphid (Mahu) is a small insect that sucks the leaves and  causing the leaves to shrink and turn yellow
    • Later the leaves get stiff and hard and after some time it dries and falls.
    • In the aphis infested pea plant, the plant does not develop properly and appears diseased.
    • Management: – Imidacloprid 17.8% SL. @ 100 ml / acre or Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 100 gram / acre, or Acephate  50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP @ 400 gram / acre or Acetamiprid 20% SP  @ 100 gm / acre for the control of sucking pest .
    • Biological treatment: – As a biological treatment, spray Beauveria Bassiana @ 500 gram / acre.

Role of Calcium in Garlic

Role of Calcium in Garlic
  • Calcium is an important nutrient in garlic and has a key role to play in crop yield and quality.
  • Calcium promotes the enhancement of root establishment and elongation of cells resulting in increased plant height.
  • It also creates an improved tolerance for disease and chilling injury. 
  • The recommended dose of calcium is 4 Kg/Acre or according to a soil testing report.

Good news: Soon vegetables will also be purchased on support price

Soon vegetables will also be purchased on support price

A minimum support price has been fixed by the Kerala government for a total of 21 food and beverage items and 16 types of vegetables have also been included. The Kerala government is going to start this system from November 1. Like Kerala, the Madhya Pradesh government is also thinking of taking some similar steps.

The Shivraj government of Madhya Pradesh is also preparing to buy vegetables at MSP. Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel said these things. He said that “After the support price of food grains, now the state government is planning to fix the minimum support price of vegetables so that it comes under the category of the agricultural industry. After purchasing wheat, gram, moong, maize at the support price, now vegetables Will also be purchased at a support price. ”

Source: Jagran


Thrips management in garlic crop

Thrips management in garlic crop
  • Thrips: – They are small and soft-bodied insects and can be found on the upper surface of leaves but mostly on the lower surface of leaves. With their sharp mouthparts, they suck the sap of the leaves, buds, and flowers, which causes the leaves to turn brown on the edges. The affected plant appears dry and the leaf becomes discolored and curls upwards.
  • For the control of thrips, it is necessary to different  chemicals for every spray 
  • Management: – For the prevention of thrips Fipronil 5% SC @ 400 ml / acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin  4.9% CS @ 200 ml / acre or Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG @ 40 gram / acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 ml / acre or Spinosad 45% SC @ 60 ml / acre.
  • Biological treatment: – As a biological treatment, spray Beauveria Bassiana @ 500 gram / acre.

How to manage nutrition while transplanting onion nursery

How to manage nutrition while transplanting onion nursery
  • Nutrition management is very important before the onion is transplanted in the main field.
  • Remember at the time of transplanting it is necessary to supply all the nutrients in the field.
  • At this time use Urea @ 25 kg/acre as a soil treatment to manage nutrition.
  • Urea is used as a nitrogenous source and to treat nitrogen deficiency in the crop and soil, it is necessary for the growth of the crop.
  • With this, use gramophone special onion samridhi kit for good growth and development of onion crop.

Cotton procurement Continued at MSP, have you sold your produce?

Cotton procurement Continued at MSP

The procurement of Kharif crops on support price is being done by the Food Corporation of India and State procurement agencies. In Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan, cotton procurement campaigns are going on under the support price. According to the news, till October 27, a total of 4,42,266 cotton bales worth about Rs 1300 crore have been purchased and 84138 farmers have benefited from this.

Talk about paddy, so far more than 26 percent of paddy has been purchased. So far, 170.53 lakh tonnes of paddy worth Rs 32196 crore have been purchased at the support price. Paddy procurement continues rapidly in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Chandigarh, Jammu Kashmir, Kerala, and Gujarat where 170.53 lakh tonnes of paddy has been purchased so far.

Source: Navbharat Times


How to manage irrigation at all stages in garlic crops

How to manage irrigation at all stages in garlic crops
  • It is very important to have proper moisture in the field at the time of the sowing of garlic crops, so irrigate the field before sowing. After three days of germination, irrigation should be done again.
  • Irrigate after every one week of vegetative growth, or as per the need. 
  • Irrigation should not be given during the bulb formulations. 
  • The crop should be irrigated 2-3 days before harvesting, which makes it easy to harvest the crop.
  • During the maturation of the crop, the moisture in the soil should not be reduced, there is an adverse effect on the growth of the crop.

Importance of Vetiver grass

Importance of Vetiver grass
  • It is a grass called ‘Vetiver’, which grows up to five feet and its roots go up to 10 feet deep.
  • Mainly this grass is grown in coastal areas
  • Useful in soil conservation due to the depth of the roots.
  • This grass is  a boon for drought areas
  • This grass can also be used for ethanol extraction, fodder for animals, and making handicrafts.
  • Apart from this it also has medicinal properties.