How to do Seed treatment in gram crop

How to do Seed treatment in gram crop
  • Just as soil treatment is necessary before sowing, in the same way, seed treatment before sowing is very important.
  • By treating seeds, fungal diseases such as Anthracnose leaf spot, Rust, wilt disease, etc. are controlled as well as germination is good.
  • By treating seeds, fungal diseases are controlled and it ensures quality germination.
  • Chemical treatment: – Before sowing, treat onion seeds with CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% @ 2.5gram / kg seed or CARBOXIN 17.5%+ THIRAM 17.5% @ 2.5g / kg seed.
  • Biological treatment: -TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 5 gram / kg + PSB @ 2 gram / or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 5 gram / kg seeds.

What is the right time for sowing wheat and how to prepare the field

What is the right time for sowing wheat and how to prepare the field
  • Deep plow the field before sowing.  
  • The suitable sowing time is from mid-October to the first week of November.  
  • Level the field by cultivating 2-3 times.
  • Use a wheat samriddhi kit for soil treatment.
  • This kit contains all the essential ingredients which are required for soil at the time of the sowing of the wheat crop, which helps in the uptake of essential nutrients.

In this scheme, farmers will get 5000 rupees in addition to PM Kisan 6000

In this scheme, farmers will get 5000 rupees in addition to PM Kisan 6000

To benefit the farmers, the central government is soon going to give new good news. Now there is talk of giving 5000 rupees more to the farmers besides the 6000 rupees of the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. This means that now farmers will get an amount of Rs 11000 every year instead of Rs 6000.

Apart from the 6000 rupees of the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the 5000 rupees that are being talked about will be given to the farmers for fertilizer. With this scheme, the government is thinking of sending money directly to the account of farmers instead of subsidizing big fertilizer companies.

Explain that the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices has appealed to the Central Government to give cash in the form of fertilizer subsidy of Rs 5000 per year directly to the farmers. The Commission wants this entire amount to be paid in two installments of Rs 2500 to the farmers. Of these, the first installment should be given at the beginning of the Kharif season and the second installment at the beginning of the Rabi season.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Benefits of black wheat cultivation

Benefits of black wheat cultivation
  • Black wheat is a special variety of wheat, which is cultivated in a special manner. 
  • Black, wheat contains about 60 percent more iron than normal wheat.
  • The amount of protein, nutrients, and starch remains the same. Black wheat cultivation is generally very less in India.
  • Wheat contains 5 to 15 ppm of anthocyanin while in black, wheat is 40 to 140 ppm.
  • Anthocyanin is a natural antioxidant and antibiotic, which is very effective in diseases such as heart attack, cancer, sugar, mental stress, knee pain, anemia.

How to control fungal diseases

How to control fungal diseases
  • For the good production of any crop, controlling fungal diseases is very important in the crop.
  • Prevention is the only safety of fungal diseases, this is its basic funda, treatment is very important before the outbreak of the disease, it is very important to control before sowing.
  • First of all soil treatment, it is very important to control fungus before sowing.
  • After soil treatment, it is very important to treat seeds with fungicides to protect the seeds from fungal diseases.
  • Spraying of fungicide in 15-25 days of sowing, which gives a good start to the crop and root development is very good.
  • In case of severe outbreaks, spray every 10 to 15 days.

Control of Red Pumpkin Beetle in Bitter Gourd

Control of Red Pumpkin Beetle in Bitter Gourd
  • The grubs feed on the roots and underground portion of host plants and fruits touching the soil.
  • The damaged roots and infested underground portions of stems start rotting due to secondary infection by saprophytic fungi, and the unripe fruits of such vines dry up.
  • Beetles eat leaves and make holes. When the beetle attacks in the plant’s initial stage, it damages the soft leaves by eating them due to which the plant dies.
  • Due to deep plowing, the pupa or grubs present in the ground come up and die in the sun rays.
  • After germination, soil treatment should be done with Cartap Hydrochloride 4G @ 7.5 kg per acre, around the plant.
  • Spray Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml / acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9 % CS @ 200 ml / acre.
  • Spray Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment or use as a soil treatment.

Winter will knock in next ten days, know the weather condition of your region

Weather report

For the last few days, the mood of the weather has started changing and the minimum temperature is falling. With the falling temperature, it is now expected that the Winter will start in the next eight to ten days. The Meteorological Department of Chandrashekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology has also predicted that in the next 10 days of Winter will knock in many states of the country.

The low-pressure area has developed over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea due to which light rains are expected in many states of East Uttar Pradesh including West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, and Madhya Pradesh.

Meteorologist Dr. SN Sunil Pandey said that a low-pressure area has formed in the central part of the Bay of Bengal. Significantly, during the monsoon, the rainy wind brings moisture, but at present, the monsoon system is not raining due to weakening. When the western disturbance air is dry, the coolness in the atmosphere increases. This air collides with the Himalayas and makes it rain during winter in the plains.

Source: Jagran


Little leaf disease of Brinjal

Little leaf disease of Brinjal
  •  It is a viral disease caused by leafhoppers.
  • The little leaf of brinjal causes huge economic losses in the brinjal crop.
  • As the name suggests, the main symptom of this disease is the petioles of the brinjal crops become small.
  • The leaves also remain very small. The petioles are so short that the leaves stick to the stem.
  • Spray Acetamiprid 20 % SP @ 80 gram / acre or Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 100 gram / acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6 % + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5%ZC @ 100 ml / acre
  • Spray of Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre as biological treatment.

Kisan Credit Card will be available from PM Kisan Yojana, farmers will be able to get cheap loan

Kisan Credit Card will be available from PM Kisan Yojana, farmers will be able to get cheap loan

Through the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, now you can get a Kisan Credit Card more easily than before. Under this scheme 1.5 crores, Kisan Credit Cards have been issued under self-reliant India and their spending limit is Rs 1.35 lakh crore.

According to the Agriculture Ministry, 2.5 crores KCCs will be issued out of the total spending limit up to Rs 2 lakh crore. This will also benefit KCC to all the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. Through this card, loans up to Rs 3 lakh can be taken for agriculture and these loans are available at a very low rate of 4 percent.

Source: News18


Characteristics and control of white fly in okra

Characteristics and control of white fly in okra
  • This pest causes a lot of damage to the okra crops in both the nymphal and adult stage.
  • Sucking the sap of leaf cells inhibits the growth of the plant and this pest also causes the infection of harmful fungus called black fungus that is produced on the plant leaves.
  • Because of these pests, the okra plant is fully infected and after this okra plant leaves may dry and drop.  
  • Management: – For the prevention of this pest use Diafenthiuron 50 % WP @ 250 gram / acre or Flonicamid 50% WG @ 60 ml / acre or Acetamiprid 20 % SP @ 100 gram / acre or Pyriproxyfen 10 % + Bifenthrin 10% EC@ 250 ml / acre.