What is the specialty of Gir Cow

What is the specialty of Gir Cow
  • Gir is a famous milk producing breed of cow in India.
  • It is found in the Gir forest region of Gujarat state and adjoining districts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
  • This cow is known for good milk productivity.
  • This cow is very disease resistant. It regularly delivers calves. It starts giving birth at age 3
  • The average weight of a female gir is 385 kg and height is 130 cm.

What are the measures to be taken to control of congress grass

What are the measures to be taken to control of congress grass
  • If congress grass has taken root at some place in the field, do not leave these plants as it is, uproot it before the flowering, and bury it into the pit.
  • In places where this grass grows in large quantities, it should be uprooted from the field before flowering.
  • The uprooted plants should be mixed and buried with dung in 6 to 3 feet deep pits. This mixture produces good quality manure.
  • For chemical control of this grass use 2,4 D @ 40 ml / pump, when this grass has plant 3-4 leaves stage spray should be done.

MP government will provide relief from debt with interest, these farmers will benefit

MP government will provide relief from debt with interest, these farmers will benefit

Very good news is coming for the farmers of Madhya Pradesh. It has been decided by the Madhya Pradesh government that the farmers’ debt will be forgiven with interest. For this purpose, the Government has approved the Madhya Pradesh Sahukari Amendment Bill and the Scheduled Tribes Debt Waiver Bill.

In simple language, we can also call this bill as debt relief bill. Under this, all the loans of all scheduled tribe people of scheduled areas till the date of 15 August 2020 will be waived.

Along with this, the government is also bringing Madhya Pradesh moneylenders (Amendment Bill 2020) for people of other sections. This will liberate those trapped in the trap of moneylenders.

Source: TV9 Bharatvarsh


These farmers made a place in the top ten on the 8th day of the photo contest

Gramophone Krishi Mitra app

The Gramophone Krishi Mitra app has been running a ‘Mera Gaon Mera Abhiman’ photo contest from January 22, in which thousands of farmers are participating and posting photos of their village and increasing likes on it.

Top Ten farmers on January 29

Deepesh Solanki
SkAleria Verma
Narendra Sisodiya
Sumit Rajput
Prem Patidar
Dharmendra Vishwakarma
Bhupendra Singh
Dharam Kannoj
Nagesh Patidar
Shivshankar Yadav

It is worth noting that there are still 2 more days left in this ten-day competition. Therefore, other farmers can also participate in it and win attractive prizes.

The winners in this competition will be selected based on the number of likes on the village photographs posted. In this 10-day competition, a contestant who gets the most likes on his/her photos every two days will get a prize and along with this, the top farmers will get a bumper prize at the end of the ten-day competition.

*terms and Conditions apply


How to prevent white worms in garlic crop

white worms in garlic crop
  • Nowadays, a white colored worm is found in the roots of the garlic crop.
  • Due to this insect, the garlic tuber is completely rotting.
  • This worm is causing a lot of damage by going inside the tuber of garlic and consuming the tuber completely. 
  • To control this insect, use Carbofuran 3% GR @ 7.5 kg/acre or Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP @ 7.5 kg/acre as soil treatment.
  • Spray Chlorpyriphos @ 50% EC @ 400 ml/acre.
  • Spray Beauveria Bassiana  @ 500 gram/acre as a biological treatment. 

How to prepare good compost manure

How to prepare good compost manure
  • To get a good quality compost manure, the waste from the field should be collected in one place.
  • Then pits should be made 15 to 20 feet long, 5-6 feet wide, 3-3 ½ feet deep.
  • Mix all the waste well and spread a layer in the pit and lay out wet cow dung over it.
  • Repeat this sequence until the level of the waste is 2-2 ½ feet above the surface of the ground.
  • If the compost is prepared in summer, the pit should be watered 1-2 times at an interval of 15-20 days so that there is sufficient moisture to dissolve the waste.
  • There is no need to add much water during rainy or cold days.
  • The fertilizer prepared after this whole process contains 0.5 percent nitrogen, 0.15 percent phosphorus and 0.5 percent potash.

Potassium contributes to plant nutritional management

Potassium contributes to plant nutritional management
  • Potassium helps in the formation of sugars and starch in the leaves and also increases their size 
  • Potassium increases protein synthesis in cells and helps in water circulation.
  • In addition, it helps the enzymes that control various functions of plants to function properly.
  • Potassium builds immunity in plants and balances the amount of iron content in the plant.
  • It also strengthens the stem of the plant.