Nutrition management at the time of sowing in potato crop

Nutrition management at the time of sowing in potato crop
  • Nutritions are required for the good production of potato crops.
  • The potato crop is a tuber crop, that is why potato crops require a lot of nutrients.
  • Therefore, a suitable time and proper fertilizer management are very important for plant growth and the high production of potato crops. 
  • As soil treatment before sowing: – SSP @ 200 kg / acre + DAP @ 75 kg / acre + DAP (without SSP) @ 150 kg / acre + potash @ 75 kg / acre  
  •  At a time of sowing Nutrition Management: – Urea (with SSP) @ 60 kg / acre + Urea (without SSP) @ 45 kg / acre at the time of sowing and broadcast in the open field.
  • Use Gramophone “Potato samriddhi Kit” with all these nutrients that can be used for potato crop nutrition management. This kit is used for soil treatment

If the installment of PM Kisan Yojana has not come, then know your status

If the installment of PM Kisan Yojana has not come, then know your status

If you have applied under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and till now your installment money has not come into the bank account, then you can know the reason for it yourself. To know the status of your PM Kisan Scheme, you will have to visit the PM Kisan Portal online.

By visiting PM Kisan Portal, any farmer can get his status related to the scheme by entering his Aadhaar, mobile, and bank account number. If your money has not yet reached your account, go to this link ? and find out the reasons for it.

If you have not yet registered under this scheme, then through this Kisan Portal, you can register yourself and take advantage of the scheme.

Source: News 18


Control of leaf miner in pea

Control of leaf miner in pea
  • Adults are dark metallic in color. 
  • Pea leaves are attacked by this insect which makes prominent whitish zigzag lines in the leaves. This line is caused by the tunnel forming inside the leaf by the caterpillar.
  • The plant stops growing and the plants remain small.
  • The flowering and fruiting capacity of infested plants is adversely affected.
  • Abamectin 1.9 % EC @ 150 ml / acre or Profenofos 50 % EC @ 500 ml / acre or Thiamethoxam12.6 % + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC@ 80 ml / acre or Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD @ 250 ml / acre.

How to use the Onion Samriddhi Kit while planting onions in the main field

How to use the Onion Samriddhi Kit while planting onions in the main field
  • Gramophone exclusive onion/garlic samriddhi kit is used as a soil treatment.
  • The total volume of this kit is 3.2 kg which is enough for one acre
  • It can be used along with urea, DAP, or with 50 kg of well-decomposed cow dung, compost, or dry soil.
  • It is necessary to have sufficient moisture in the field at the time of its use.
  • If you were not able to use this kit at the time of sowing, then it can be used as broadcasting in 15 -20 days of sowing.

Cotton procurement has started in the mandis, sale is being done at this price

Cotton procurement has started in the mandis, sale is being done at this price

The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has started purchasing cotton at Khandwa Agricultural Produce Market since Monday. On the first day, 70 quintals of cotton were purchased from farmers. On the first day, the price of cotton for the farmers ranged from Rs 4150 to Rs 5553 per quintal.

The farmers got happy after getting good prices and the Cotton Corporation of India has been expecting that many more farmers will come to the market to sell their produce in the coming days.

It is worth noting that last year, the Cotton Corporation of India started buying cotton in the Khandwa district in the first week of October. The previous year’s highest price was Rs 5450 per quintal. This time the first day has crossed the previous year’s highest level. The corporation has increased the price to Rs 5800 per quintal this year.

Source: Bhaskar


21 year old young farmer with a brilliant century, cost was extremely low and yield 100 quintals

Farmer Success story

The desire of every Indian farmer is to reduce the cost of cultivation and increase profits. But most of the farmers of our country still do traditional farming, due to which they have to satisfy themselves with low production and the agricultural cost also becomes very high. But in today’s modern era, farmers who use modern methods in farming are called smart farmers. Gramophone has also been engaged in the task of getting farmers cultivated smartly for the last 4 years.

Many farmers are doing smart farming by connecting with the Gramophone app. Hariom Vaskale, a 21-year-old young farmer from Barwani district, used Gramophone Krishi Mitra app to get 100 quintals of cotton yield in an 11-acre farm at a very low cost. Farmers who are cultivating cotton must know that cotton cultivation is very expensive and this year the cotton crop of many farmers was ruined due to weather conditions and pest/disease etc. At this time young Hariom sprayed less and economically than before on the advice of Gramophone. This led to a decrease in agricultural costs as well as an increase in yield.

Hariom Vaskale had linked his cotton crop to the Gramophone app at the time of sowing. By doing this, he got information related to disease and pest outbreaks from the agricultural experts beforehand, as well as the agricultural experts used to tell them the rescue measures in advance. In this way, Hariom protected his crop from diseases and pests during the entire crop cycle. Hariom got the result of this hard work after getting 100 quintals of tremendous yield.

If you also want to make a similar difference in your agriculture like Hariom and want to become a smart farmer, then you can also join Gramophone. To connect with Gramophone, you can either missed call on our toll-free number 18003157566 or login to the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Nutrition management in 15 days after sowing in garlic crop

Nutrition management in 15 days after sowing in garlic crop
  • Nutrition management within 15 days of sowing is very important for the good production of garlic.
  • At this time, nutritional management gives a good start to the garlic crop.
  • Roots grow very well
  • Garlic crop produces immunity against disease.  
  • Use urea @ 25 kg / acre + zinc sulphate @ 5 kg / acre + sulfur @ 90% @ 10 kg / acre is used as soil application for nutrition management.
  • While managing nutrition, keep in mind that there should be sufficient moisture in the field.

Use Gram samridhi kit for improved cultivation of gram

Gram samridhi kit
  • This product has two types of bacteria ‘PSB and KMB’. It helps in the supply of potash and phosphorus, these are two major elements in soil and crop. Due to this, the plant gets the necessary elements. 
  • It has an organic fungicide Trichoderma viride, which is able to control most of the harmful fungi they are in the soil, increase the beneficial fungal culture in the soil, And forms a protective shield around the root, 
  • Amino humic seaweed. It is helpful in increasing the activity of microorganisms in the soil and helps in improving the pH of the soil. Mycorrhiza is able to make a huge connection between the soil and roots and it provides nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant. 
  • Rhizobium culture remains symbiotically in the roots of gram plants and converts atmospheric nitrogen into a simple form that can be used by the plant. 
  • It helps the farmers as the plants grow well. The use of this kit increases the yield of gram by 50-60%.

Prime Minister Modi released 17 new biofortified seed variety

Prime Minister Modi released 17 new biofortified seed variety

On the 75th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), PM Modi dedicated 17 varieties of recently developed crops to the nation. All these varieties have been developed recently by the agricultural scientists of the country.

A variety of 17 new seeds of several crops including wheat and paddy are being made available to the farmers of the country. Let us know about these seed varieties.

  • Wheat – HI-1633 (HI 1633), HD-3298 (HD-3298), DBW-303 (DBW-303) and MACS-4058 (MACS-4058).
  • Rice – CRDhan-315 (CR Dhan-315).
  • Maize – LQMH-1 (LQMH-1), LQMH-3 (LQMH-3).
  • Ragi – CFMV-1, CFMV-2 (CFMV-2).
  • Sava – CLAV-1.
  • Mustard – PM-32.
  • Groundnut – Girnar-4, Girnar-5 (Girnar-5).
  • Yam – DA-340) and Srinilima (Srin Neelima).

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Gramophone has brought wheat samriddhi Kit for good yield of wheat

wheat samriddhi Kit
  • Use Gramophone exclusive samriddhi kit for a better yield of wheat. 
  • This kit acts as a land reformer
  • By combining the source of four essential bacterias, this kit will effectively help to utilize NPK fertilizers and help in the growth of the crop. Zinc solubilizes the insoluble zinc present in the soil and makes it available to the plants. 
  • This kit combines ingredients such as seaweed, amino acids, humic acid, and mycorrhiza. Which will significantly improve soil characteristics and quality, as well as mycorrhiza helps in the development of white roots? Humic acid helps in better vegetative growth of wheat crops by improving the photosynthesis process.