Symptoms and control of termite attack in wheat crop

Symptoms and control of termite attack in wheat crop
  • Termite is a polyphagous insect, it damages all crops.
  • There is a lot of damage due to termites in wheat crop
  • Termites damage germinated wheat plants.
  • Insects prepare  tunnels into the ground and feed on plant roots. They also eat the stem when the attack is high.
  • The adult of this insect is fat, which is gray-brown in color.
  • This insects hide under cracks or fallen leaves and eat stems and soft part of leaves at night   
  • There is a lot of termite infestation in the fields where raw manure is used.
  • Deep ploughing in the field before sowing.
  • Use only well decomposed manure in the field.
  • Use Chlorpyriphos 50% EC@ 500 ml/acre as spray and Cartap Hydrochloride 4 GR @ 7.5 kg/acre use as a soli application 
  • Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 1.0 litre/acre mix with any fertilizer and apply in field as soil application
  • As a biological treatment use Beauveria Bassiana@ 250 gram/acre

Damage due to Aphid and Jassid in melon crop

Damage due to Aphid and Jassid in melon crop
  • Aphid and jassid are small, soft-bodied small insects which can be yellow, brown, green or black in color.
  • They are usually found in groups on small leaves and twigs and suck the cell sap  from the plant  and release sticky honey dew, which increases the chances of fungal diseases.
  • Leaves and twigs may wither or become yellow due to severe infection.
  • Spray of  Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 100 gram/acre or Imidacloprid 17.8 %SL@ 100 ml/acre or Flonicamid  50% WG @ 60 gram/acre  
  • As a biologically treatment use Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre

Which fertilizer is beneficial in watermelon crop before sowing

Which fertilizer is beneficial in watermelon crop before sowing
  • In watermelon crops it is very necessary to supply fertilizer after plowing and before sowing the field.
  • The management of fertilizers allows the nutrient supply for the watermelon crop to germinate easily.
  • Fertilizer  use before sowing  DAP @ 50 kg/acre + SSP @ 75 kg/acre + potash @ 75 kg/acre + zinc sulfate @ 10 kg/acre + Magnesium sulfate @ 10 kg/acre
  • With this, farmers can also use watermelon samridhi kit as a soil treatment.

Registration for sale on MSP of Rabi crops will start on this day

Registration for sale on MSP of Rabi crops will start on this day

In Madhya Pradesh, the process of registration for the sale of wheat and other rabi crops at the MSP is going to start. This process will start from January 25. This process has already been started in the state of Haryana.

Explain that minimum support prices are issued by the Central Government for 23 Kharif and Rabi crops every year. Under this, Rabi crops like wheat 1975 Rupees per quintal, barley 1600 Rupees per quintal, gram 5100 Rupees per quintal, lentils 5100 Rupees per quintal, rapeseed and mustard 4650 Rupees per quintal and safflower 5327 Rupees per quintal have been released for the year 2021-22.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


These farmer families will not get the benefit of PM Kisan Yojana

These farmer families will not get the benefit of PM Kisan Yojana

Recently, under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, the seventh installment has been sent to the bank account of the farmers. Crores of farmers of the country are benefiting from this scheme. However, in spite of this there are some such farmer families, who may not get the benefit of this scheme.

Who will not get the benefit of the scheme?

  • Institutional farmers will not get the benefit.
  • A person who has held a constitutional post will not get the benefit.
  • A serving or retired employee of the State Government, Central Government, Public Sector Company, Government Autonomous Organization etc. will not get the benefit. This excludes multi-tasking, group D and fourth-class employees.
  • Even people who have filed income tax in the last assessment year cannot avail of it.
  • Doctors, engineers, lawyers, chartered accountants and registered organizations with professional organizations also cannot avail of this.

Source: Jagran


These were the top ten farmers on the first day of Gramophone photo contest

Gramophone Krishi Mitra app

‘Mera Gaon Mera Abhiman’ photo contest started on Gramophone Krishi Mitra app from yesterday i.e. January 22. On the very first day thousands of farmers took part in this competition and posted pictures of their village and got their friends to like it.

Top Ten farmers on January 22

  • Shivshankar Yadav
  • Satish mewada
  • Motilal Patidar
  • Sandeep Raghuvanshi
  • Dharam Kannoj
  • Kamal Krishna Mali
  • Prakash Patidar
  • Ashok Patidar
  • Princu
  • Preetesh goel

Significantly, there are still nine more days left in this ten-day competition. That’s why take part in it and win attractive prizes.

The winners in this competition will be selected based on the number of likes on the photographs posted in the village. In this 10-day competition, a contestant who gets the most likes on their pictures every two days will get a prize and along with this, the top farmers will get bumper prizes at the end of the ten-day competition.

*terms and Conditions apply


What is Integrated insect management

What is Integrated insect management
    • Integrated pest management means control of insects without harming crops.
    • Beneficial insects can be identified under integrated pest management and measures can be taken for their protection
    • Before pests attacks, try to control them and use chemicals interchangeably.
    • Integrated pest management can be done by applying organic products such as pheromone traps .




How to properly manage farm waste

How to properly manage farm waste
  • The more type of  crops are planted in the field, the more variety of garbage comes out of the field
  • It is very important to properly manage farm waste  
  • Collect the garbage scattered in the field in one place
  • waste from weeds containing its seeds should be taken away from the field
  • Collect the residues of crops in one corner of the field.
  • Keep aside waste usable as animal fodder. 
  • Nowadays there are many products available in the market which can be used to convert such waste into manure.

Government will give 50% subsidy to open fish retail outlet

Government will give 50% subsidy to open fish retail outlet

If you want to open a fish retail outlet but you do not have money for it, then you do not have to be disappointed now. In fact, with the help of the central government, the Madhya Pradesh government is giving a 50% subsidy to farmers for opening fish retail outlets.

All the residents of Madhya Pradesh can get this subsidy, although priority will be given to Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Castes, Women and unemployed youth. There must be 100 square feet of space to open an outlet. After opening the outlet, the beneficiary will be responsible for its maintenance.

Explain that it costs about 10 lakh rupees to open a fish outlet. The government will give half of this entire amount i.e. 50% as subsidy and the remaining expenditure will have to be spent by the beneficiary himself. To get other information related to this scheme, you can visit the agriculture department of your district or the regional agriculture department.

Source: Krishi Jagran
