How is Matka Khad prepared and what are its benefits

How is Matka Khad prepared and what are its benefits
  • Nadep method, vermicompost ,Bio gas etc. are some methods of composting, in the same way matka manure is a common and simple method of composting.
  • Fertilizer made by this method is of good quality and is low cost.
  • To prepare it the following things are required: cow or buffalo urine, jaggery, a matka, water and cow dung.
  • Put all these ingredients together in a pot and keep stirring with the help of a wood stick every 2-3 days.
  • This way matka compost gets prepared in 7 -10 days.

What is the reason of yellowing of garlic and onion leaves

What is the reason of yellowing of garlic and onion leaves
  • Constantly changing weather is causing the garlic and onion crop to face a lot of problems.
  • The problem of yellowing is quite visible in the garlic and onion crop due to which there is a huge impact on their growth and development.
  • The yellowness of garlic and onion  can also be caused by fungal and insect borne and nutritional problems.
  • If it is causes by fungus, use Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gram/acre or Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP @ 300 gram/acre 
  • If it is because of nutritional problem, use Seaweed@ 400 ml/acre or Humic acid@ 100 gram/acre 
  • If it is due to insect, use Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC@ 400 ml/acre or Fipronil 40 % + Imidacloprid 40 % WG@ 80 gram/acre. 

Importance of Boron for Watermelon

Importance of Boron for Watermelon
  • The watermelon crop requires 16 nutrients mainly. In which boron is the most essential nutrient in a group of micronutrients 
  • Boron does not allow the roots of watermelon  plants to deform and maintains the growth of the roots continuously.
  • Deficiency of boron distorts the shape of leaves, and the formation of fruits is reduced.
  • The growth of leaf and stem is very less and the fruit of watermelon starts bursting.
  • Boron nutrient supply can be done  by spraying, through drip or by adding pre-sowing soil treatment. 
  • So use boron after the soil testing . Keep in mind that excess of boron also has toxic effects on the plant.

You will get many benefits from the use of cow urine in farming

benefits from the use of cow urine in farming
  • Cow urine is like a nectar for crops and soil.
  • There is no smell of any kind in insecticide that is prepared from urine.
  • Pests do not sit on crops or fruits after spraying.
  • Nitrogen content is found in urine, due to which urine increases the amount of nitrogen in plant root,
  • It helps in the growth of roots.
  • Its use increases the amount of micro beneficial bacteria in land . The natural form of the land remains.

Benefits of organic farming

Benefits of organic farming
  • Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers.
  • This increases the fertile capacity of the land.
  • Irrigation intervals increase because organic manure maintains moisture in soil for a long time.
  • Reducing dependence on chemical fertilizer reduces costs.
  • Increase in productivity of crops.
  • The market price of the products obtained from organic farming is higher, which increases the income of farmers.

Symptoms and prevention of sawfly

Symptoms and prevention of sawfly
  • In mustard crops there is a heavy attack of sawfly. 
  • It is black in color, which damages the leaves quickly, it consumes the leaves, making holes on the sides of the leaves.
  • This skeletonizes mustard leaves .
  • To prevent this, spray Profenofos 50% EC @ 500 ml/acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6% +  Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 ml/acre or  Imidacloprid 30.5% SC @ 50 ml/acre

Government launches Govardhan integrated portal, cattle owners will be benefited

Government launches Govardhan integrated portal, cattle owners will be benefited

Union Water Power Ministry has launched an integrated portal under the Govardhan Yojana launched in the year 2018. The objective of this scheme is to increase the income of cattle rearers by better management of cattle dung and other bio-wastes.

Under the second phase of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Govardhan Yojana is being adopted as the primary program. Under this, biogas and organic manure is also being made from cattle dung and other bio-wastes.

Source: Amar Ujala


Measures to protect the watermelon crop from the leaf life minor damage

Measures to protect the watermelon crop from the leaf life minor damage
  • Leaf Miner insects are very small. They burrow inside the leaves and make tunnels.
  • These tunnels look like white stripe ridges on the watermelon leaves.
  • The adult moth is light yellow in color and the baby moth is very small and footless . This moth makes a tunnel in the leaves and in this tunnel the pupa is formed.
  • Insect infestation occurs on the leaves. A spiral tunnel is formed on the affected leaf. Photosynthesis of plants is affected . Hence, the leaves fall.
  • For the control of this insects use , Abamectin 1.9% EC @ 150 ml/acre or Chlorantraniliprole 8.8 + Thiamethoxam 17.5% SC @ 200 ml/acre or Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 300 ml/acre

Benefits of fertilizer management before sowing in okra crops

Benefits of fertilizer management before sowing in okra crops
  • By managing fertilizer before sowing, the soil gets replenished of any nutrients the soil is deficient of.
  • Thus by managing fertilizer, the okra seeds are easily supplied with essential nutrients at the time of germination.
  • Use  DAP@75 kg/acre + potash @ 30 kg/acre at the time of sowing.
  • Okra crops need to be protected from many different types of diseases along with manure.
  • For this, soil treatment should be done before sowing or at the time of sowing use soil samridhi  kit. This kit contains all the essential products which are very beneficial for okra crops.