Fuel will be made from crop residues, Madhya Pradesh government is preparing

Fuel will be made from crop residues, Madhya Pradesh government is preparing

Along with the pollution caused by farmers burning crop residues in the fields, the fertility of the fields is also decreasing. Keeping these problems in mind, the government keeps urging farmers not to burn crop residues. However, now the Madhya Pradesh government is going to take a new step on this issue, which can solve this problem forever.

A plan is being worked out to prevent environmental damage due to burning of crop residues in Madhya Pradesh. Under this, it is proposed to set up units to produce fuel from crop residues in the state. The state agriculture minister has said that to stop the environmental damage caused by burning the crop residues, units will be set up to make fuel from the crop residues.

Source: India dot com


Identification and Control of Diamondback Moth in Cabbage and cauliflower

Diamondback Moth in Cabbage and cauliflower
  • The caterpillars of this insect eat the green matter of the leaves and only white membrane is left behind on the eaten area which later turn into holes.
  • Chemical control: Spray the spinosad 45% SC @ 300 ml / acre or Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gram / acre or Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml / acre.
  • As a biological treatment,use Beauveria Bassiana 250 gram/acre

Kusum scheme will provide solar pump to farmers, registration process is going on

Kusum scheme will provide solar pump to farmers

Solar pump subsidy is provided to farmers under Kusum scheme. This will reduce diesel consumption and crude oil imports. That is why the government is promoting this scheme.

Under this scheme, farmers will have to pay only 10% of the amount for installing solar energy equipment. Apart from this, the central government gives subsidies in the bank account to the farmers. Solar plants set up under the scheme are set up on wastelands.

The last date for registration under this scheme has been extended to December 1. Therefore, before the last date, farmers can register by visiting the official website of Kusum Yojana https://kusum.online/.

Source: Krishi Jagran


How to control fruit borers in Okra crops

How to control fruit borers in Okra crops
  • Fruit borer: The caterpillar of Helicoverpa armigera is the main pest of okra crops. If it is not controlled at the right time, then it can damage the crop by 22-37 percent. It eats leaves, flowers and fruits. It makes round holes in the fruit .
  • To control this, use the following products.
  • The spread or outbreak of insect numbers can be monitored by the Pheromone trap. The Pheromone trap attracts pests of the opposite sex.
  • Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gram/acre or Novaluron 5.25 %+ Emamectin Benzoate 0.9 SC @ 600 ml/acre or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC @ 60 ml/acre.
  • As biological treatment use Beauveria Bassiana 250 gram/acre  

Field preparation and soil treatment in water melon before sowing

Field preparation and soil treatment in water melon before sowing
  • The land should be properly prepared by ploughing according to the need and it is advisable to make small beds simultaneously. 
  • In heavy soils, seeds should be sown without a lump . The sandy soil does not require much tillage. 3-4 ploughing is sufficient . 
  • Watermelon requires fertilizer. For soil treatment, it should be done by using a soil samridhi kit before sowing. 
  • For this, first of all, mix 50 -100 kg FYM or cow dung with compost or field soil, and broadcast  it on an empty field before sowing.
  • DAP @ 50 kg / acre + SSP @ 75 kg / acre + Potash @ 75 kg / acre broadcast  at the time of sowing.

Control of fungal diseases in onion and garlic

Control of fungal diseases in onion and garlic
  • Prevention of harmful diseases is necessary for production of onion and garlic. Onion and garlic crops are attacked by many diseases. 
  • But if viewed economically,  some diseases cause a lot of damage and highly affect the yield of onion and garlic crops than others. Such diseases need to be prevented.
  • Fungal diseases that infest the onion and garlic crops are as follows
  • Basal rot ,white rot, purple bloch ,Stemphylium Blight etc.
  • For prevention of these disease use following products.
  • Thiophanate Methyl 70% W/w@ 300 gram/acre or  Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%   @ 300 gram/acre or Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 400 gram/acre or kitazin 48 % EC @ 200 ml/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 250 gram/acre  or Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur(s) 65% WG @ 500 gram/acre.

Control of fungal disease in wheat

Control of fungal disease in wheat
    • Due to the infestation of the fungi and bacterial diseases that occur in the wheat crop, growth is affected with tillers developments. 
    • Therefore, it is very important to identify them at the right time and do proper crop management. So as not to affect the yield. 
    • The diseases that infest wheat crops are leaf spot, Karnal bunt,  rust and loose smut.
    • For prevention of these disease use following products
    • Hexaconazole 5% SC@ 400 gram/acre or Tebuconazole 25.9% Ec@ 200 ml/acre  Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gram/acre or Propiconazole 25% Ec@ 200 ml/acre.
    • As a biological treatment: Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre or Trichoderma Viride  @ 500 gram/acre.

28 food processing units to be opened, more than 10 thousand people will get employment

more than 10 thousand people will get employment

Union Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has approved the creation of 28 food processing units, which will create new employment opportunities. These units will be installed in some 10 states of the country, which will provide employment to more than 10 thousand people.

These states include Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Assam and Manipur. A cost of Rs 320.33 crore has been set by the Minister for this scheme.

The main objective of the scheme is to build processing and preservation capabilities and to modernize / expand existing food processing units, which will increase the level of processing, add value and reduce grain wastage.

Source: News 18


How to control spiny pod borer in pea crop

How to control spiny pod borer in pea crop
  • The larvae of the spiny pod borer initially are green in color and gradually turn pink.
  • Its adult is brown gray and the face is orange.
  • This insect causes high damage to flowers and young pods, due to which the buds fall in an immature stage.
  • The caterpillars cause a lot of damage by entering the inside of the pods, the caterpillar’s entrance in the pod creates brown spots.
  • Bifenthrin 10 % EC @ 300 ml/acre or Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC@ 400 ml/acre  or Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gram/acre  
  • Every spray should use a sticker.
  • As a biological treatment use Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre 

Many changes in PM Kisan Yojana, read full information before seventh installment

PM Kisan Yojana

Through the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, crores of farmers are getting benefits. The seventh installment of this scheme is going to be received by the farmers soon. However, before the seventh installment, the central government has made some changes in this scheme, which you should be aware of.

The farmer taking advantage of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi will no longer have to provide any documents for PM Kisan Maandhan Yojana. Under this scheme, farmers can choose to contribute directly from the benefits received from the PM-Kisan scheme.

The Kisan Credit Card has been linked to the PM Kisan Scheme. With this, KCC has become easier for the beneficiaries of Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi.

If the farmers want to take advantage of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, then they must have Aadhaar. You cannot avail this plan without an Aadhaar card.

At the beginning of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, only those farmers who had 2 hectares or 5 acres of agricultural land could take advantage of it. But now the Modi government has abolished this obligation.

Source: India.com
