Animal owner was fined for dung on the road in this city of Madhya Pradesh

Animal owner was fined for dung on the road in this city of Madhya Pradesh

Something has been done by the Gwalior Municipal Corporation of Madhya Pradesh, which is causing resentment among the cattlemen. In fact, a dairy operator has been fined Rs 10,000 by the Gwalior Municipal Corporation. This fine was paid to the owner of a buffalo when he dung.

Regarding this fine, the Municipal Corporation said that the intention of imposing a fine is not to create an atmosphere of fear among the cattlemen, but to keep the roads clean. The corporation said that the dirt of the roads will not be washed for any reason. If anyone is found doing dirt on the road, then he will be punished by law.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Prevention of aphid outbreak in mustard crop

aphid outbreak in mustard crop
  • Aphid is a major mustard pest also known as Mahu or Chepa  
  • It is the main pest of mustard crops, both the nymphs and adults of this insect   suck the cell sap out of soft stems, leaves, flowers and new buds .
  • It simultaneously scratches the leaves and sucks the cell sap of  the leaves with its sharp mouthpiece making the leaves vulnerable to the attack of black fungus affecting the action of photosynthesis.
  • Attack  of this insect starts  from the months of December-January to March and it spreads rapidly during overcast weather.
  • To control this, spray Imidacloprid 30.5% SC@ 100 ml/acre or Flonicamid 50% WG@ 60 ml/acre or Thiamantoxam 25%WG@ 100 gram/acre.
  • Use Bavaria Basiana @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment.

Potato chips manufacturing unit to be built in Karnawad Madhya Pradesh

Potato chips manufacturing unit to be built in Karnawad Madhya Pradesh

A processing farmers training camp for potato crop was organized in the state of Dewas in Madhya Pradesh recently. The chief guest of this event was MLA Mrs. Gayatri Raje Panwar and Collector Mr. Chandramouli Shukla. 250 farmers participated in this training.

During this, Collector Shri Chandramouli Shukla informed that a cluster of food processing is being started in Karnawad of Bagli section by forming a cluster of food processing. He said that the income of farmers will double with this new beginning. He said that selling potatoes produced by farmers directly in the mandi does not fetch good prices, so they can earn good income by processing potatoes.

Source: Krishak Jagran


How to control fruit borer in tomato

How to control fruit borer in tomato
  • Fruits borer financially harms tomato crop
  • The adult of this insect is brown and the caterpillar is green in color. 
  • The most harmful stage of this insect is the caterpillar .
  • Caterpillars  initially attack the soft leaves and later begin to attack the fruits.
  • This caterpillar penetrates inside the tomato fruit and destroys the whole fruit from inside.
  • One caterpillar  is capable of destroying 8 -10 fruits.
  • For its control, Emamectin Benzoate  5%SG@ 100 gram/acre or Flubendiamide 50% WG@ 100 gram/acre or Chlorantraniliprole18.5%SC@ 60 gram/acre or Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin Benzoate 0.9%SC@ 600 ml/acre

The use of single super phosphate in crops gives many benefits

The use of single super phosphate in crops gives many benefits
  •  SSP is a powdered and hard granulated, brown or  ash colored fertilizer.
  • The granules of Single Super Phosphate or SSP do not break easily by hand.
  • Content of granulated SSP- Nitrogen – 0% phosphorus – 16% sulfur content – 11% calcium – 19% and zinc – 1% . 
  • SSP is less soluble than  the rest of the fertilizers, it should always be used during ploughing.
  • SSP can also be used as a soil treatment. The benefits of which are higher at the time of germination of plants.
  • Using SSP at the right time, fruits and flowers grow in higher quantities
  • Phosphorus, sulfur, calcium and zinc can be easily replenished in crops using SSP.

Rabi crops were sown more this year than last year

Sowing of rabi crops in the country is almost complete now. So far, over 597 lakh hectares of land has been sown. This season’s sowing figures are higher than last year. Last year till this time, 573.23 lakh hectare was sown while this year this figure has increased to 597.92 lakh hectare.

If we talk about wheat, the main crop of Rabi season, the area under wheat has been 313.24 lakh hectare so far. The figure was 297.39 hectares in the same period last year. Agricultural experts believe that this time sowing will be better in the Rabi season and production is expected to be good.

Source: Krishak Jagat



How to prevent yellowing problems in wheat crops

How to prevent yellowing problems in wheat crops
  • The problem of yellowing is seen in wheat crops in 35-40 days of plantation.
  • The reason for this problem is  the lack of nutrients in the wheat crop.
  • To prevent this problem, use Gibberellic acid @ 300 ml/acre or Humic acid @ 100 gram /acre.
  • Also use 19:19:19 @ 1 kg/acre or 20:20:20 @ 1 kg/acre.

Rainfall continues throughout the country, know the weather forecast for today

weather forecast

Weather of Madhya Pradesh including Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh is expected to clear from January 6. Whereas light to moderate rain and snowfall will continue from Jammu and Kashmir to Himachal and Uttarakhand. Heavy rains in most parts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka in South India.

Video Source: Skymet Weather


How to prevent scab disease in potato crops

How to prevent scab disease in potato crops
  • This disease is caused by a fungus in potato crops.
  • The effect of this disease is seen in a large amount on potato tubers.
  • Dark brown scabs spots emerge on potato tubers which are coarse when felt by the hands.
  • Tubers suffering from this disease are not edible.
  • For the prevention of this disease, use Thiophanate Methyl 70% W/P @ 300 gram/ acre or Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gram/acre.
  • As a biological treatment, use Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre.
  • For the effective control of this disease, seed treatment before sowing is very important.