Soil preparation for sweet corn

  • One summer deep ploughing followed by two or three harrowing with disc or tines and two or three planking should be given to prepare a well-pulverized seedbed.
  • Use FYM @ 3 -4 t / acre on the last plowing.
  • After this, lines and ferries should be laid with a difference of 75 cm. Seedbed preparation and seed handling are important for all types of sweet corn.

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Control of leaf curl disease in tomato

  • Curling of leaves, reduction in leaf size, excessive branching and stunted plant growth takes place.
  • Older leaves become leathery and brittle. Rouge out the infected plants.
  • Sow 5-6 rows of barrier crops like maize, jowar or bajra around main tomato field at least 2 months before transplanting seedling in the field.
  • The disease can be checked by control of vector (whitefly) by spraying the crop with dimethoate 30% EC @ 300 ml/acre at fortnight interval.

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Soil preparation for cauliflower

  • 1 to 2 corrosive ploughing by a soil turning plough followed by 3 to 4 ploughing with desi plough are enough for it.
  • Well rotten compost or farmyard manure is mixed in soil at the time of ploughing.
  • If the soil is infested with nematodes Carbofuran @ 10 kg/Acre.
  • Ridges and furrow type of layout is used for crop.

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Selection of seed in moong

  • Choose healthy, good quality seeds.
  • Choose the species to produce more yield.
  • Seeds should be disease free.
  • Seed germination should be good.
  • Farmers need to check the germination period, the need for nutrients also.
  • Some seeds are the source of diseases; They should be sown by proper treatment only.

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Maturity index in muskmelon

  • Fruits will be ready for picking in about 110 days depending upon variety.
  • The fruits when mature slips out easily from the vine with little pressure or jerk or if not it will remain separated from the vine next day.
  • This is called full slip stage.
  • In some Indian cultivars, green stripes on the skin begin to turn yellow during maturity.

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How to increase number of flowers in Okra

  • The flowering stage is most important in Okra.
  • A flowering stage comes 40-45 days after seed sowing.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
  • Use multi-Micro nutrients 300 Gm/acre.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Zinc solubilizing bacteria in snake gourd

Zinc solubilizing bacteria naturally occurring and beneficial bacteria which produces various organic acids and makes solubilization of inorganic zinc and convert into bio-available form which helps in plant growth and multiplication.

  • Increase crop yield and the quality of the produce
  • Increase hormones activities
  • Increase Plant growth and root growth
  • Increase photosynthetic activity
  • Increase soil fertility and the effect can be seen on next crop season because of bacterial multiplication and presence.

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Pinching in watermelon

  • Pinches are made to prevent overgrowth of watermelon from the plant.
  • When there is enough fruit on the oxen of watermelon, then there should be a solution to pinch, which can prevent the bull from failing.
  • Pinching and cutting of unwanted wounds results in good nutrition for the fruit and the development of the fruits is good.
  • If there is more fruit on a vine, then remove the small and weak fruits so that the main fruit gets better.
  • By removing unnecessary branches, watermelon gets complete nutrition and it grow very fast.

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Boron deficiency symptoms and control in watermelon

  • Young leaves are smaller than normal and may be curled.
  • Yellowing proceeds from the marginal area between the veins towards the center.
  • The youngest leaves show necrotic tips.
  • Stems can crack due to the low cell strength.
  • Plants are stunted or dwarfed as the internodes are shortened.
  • Growing points die back.
  • Flowering and fruit set is poor.
  • Fruits are distorted with a poor skin finish.
  • Hollow heart is more common.
  • Deficiencies usually occur when soil moisture contents are too high, or under conditions of high pH.

Control :-

  • Use of calcium nitrate with added boron fertliizer @ 25 kg/acre.
  • Use of phosphate solubilizing bacteria @ 4 kg per acre.
  • Spray of boron 20% @ 200 gm per acre twice in 10 days at flowering stage.

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Control measures of aphids in Watermelon

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75 % SP @ 300- 400 gm / acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @100 ml /acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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