Irrigation scheduling in Brinjal

  • Timely irrigation is quite essential for good growth, flowering, and development of fruits.
  • Light irrigation is given at an interval of 8-10 days during winter and 5-6 days during summer.
  • During winter keep the soil moist by light irrigation to protect crop from winter injury.

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Storage technique in wheat

  • To maintain more power in the seed, the seed should be well dried before storage. In India, seed crops are subjected to drying in the sun for 3-4 days to safeguard the level of moisture.
  • Grains with less moisture content than 10% are well stocked.
  • After cleansing the grains, fill the grain in the bag and store it.
  • To avoid the mixture, always place seeds in the new bag.
  • Store quality grains.
  • Storage keep cool in summer.
  • Time to time check the grain.

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Post-harvest management in wheat

  • Yellow and dry straw is visual indicator.
  • Shredding, breaking of spikes are overripe.
  • Most suitable stage is grain moisture of 13-14 %.
  • Manually harvested by reapers is dried for 3-4 days on threshing floor and threshed.
  • Always store the seed in new bags in godowns and should be fumigated to keep the attack of stored grain pests.
  • Grains with less than 10 to 11 % moisture store well.

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Use of wheat and gram sawdust/straw

  • Sawdust is the important crop material to use in compost, mulches, growers of small fruit, nursery preparation and soil conditioner.
  • Wheat straw is a suitable material for mushroom production.
  • Wheat straw (Bhusa) in the manger either goes to the manure pit to make farmyard manure or it is mixed it with dung to make dung cakes.
  • For drying and curing, space heating & heating chicken brooders in the Agriculture industry.
  • Wheat straw is also used in animal feeding.

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Harvesting in wheat

  • The crop is harvested when the grains become hard and the straw becomes yellow dry and brittle.
  • In recent years in some states harvesting and threshing is done by combine harvester at a large scale.
  • Cereals are harvested at about 15 percent of the moisture in the grain.
  • Wheat should be yellow at the time of wheat harvest.
  • Wheat harvesting, wheat harvesting is done at 110-130 days after sowing.

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Post-harvest management in gram

  • Drying harvested crop for five to six days.
  • After drying, the harvested crop is threshing by thresher.
  • Before storing, the harvested grains should be well dried.
  • To avoid the attack of pulse beetle during the storage of gram, dip the bag in 10% Malathion solution.

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Storage technique for gram

  • With about 13 to 15 percent humidity, the harvesting of the crop decreases with fewer grains.
  • There is a big impact on the presence of chickpeas, e.g. colour.
  • Visual appearance is often important for its market value.
  • The harvest should be stored only by cleaning.
  • Regular monitoring of pulses in storage hygiene, wastewater cooling and storage is very important.
  • Take special care of moisture in the grain during storage.
  • The quantity of low moisture can be broken during the harvest and handling.
  • If the environment is not favorable, the breaking of grain is increasing so decrease the quality and life of the storage of seed and germination of seed.
  • Grain should be healthy so that the market will get good value in the crop market.

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Lesser grain borer control in wheat

  • Before storage, the grains should be properly dried.
  • The storehouses should be well ventilated and “pucca” cement concrete or brick made storehouses are recommended.
  • Maintenance of adequate free space (2-2 ft.) between stacks.
  • Stacks should be well separated from the wall and ceiling.
  • Time to time aeration of the storehouse reduces the moisture content and prevents the lesser grain borer growth.
  • Damp and wet bags should not be used for storing grains.
  • Grains should be frequently inspected at least once a month during dry season and once a fortnight during rainy season.
  • The damp and moist grains should be disposed off at earliest or should be removed from the store house to be dried in the sun.
  • Malathion spray @ 100 mg/square meter is a better choice.
  • Treating infested grain with dichlorvos @ 0.5 gm/square meter
  • Mix 10 gram of deltamethrin per liter of water spray in storage house.
  • Pesticides are poisons so it is essential to follow all safety precaution on labels.

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Gram harvesting

Gram harvesting

  • When most of the pod is yellow, then gram must be harvested.
  • Moisture should be around 15 percent in gram.
  • When the plant gets dry and the leaves become red brown and the leaves begin to fall, then the crop is ready for harvesting.

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Thrips control in tomato

  • Plants infected with thrips develop spotted appearance on leaves which turn pale-white blotches due to drainage of sap. Due to thrips attack reduces production.
  • For effective control, spray Profenofos 3 Ml/litre of Water or fipronil 5% SC 3 ml/litre of Water or Thiamethoxam 0.5 Gm/litre of Water after every 10 days interval.

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