Control of pod borer in moong

  • Due to larvae being mature, they cause extensive damage by eating pods from inside.
  • After infection by the pod borer larvae, the pod is desiccated and dried in an early stage.
  • Before sowing, make deep plowing of the field and destroy insects eggs and cocoons in the soil.
  • Selection the short duration varieties of moong for sowing.
  • Maintain a certain distance between moong plants.
  • Spray Chlorpyrifos 20% EC 450 ml/ acre or Indoxacarb 14.5% SC@ 160-200 ml/ acre.
  • Spray solution of Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG@ 100 gm/acre.

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Suitable climate for sorghum crop

  • Sorghum is a warm season crop.
  • But excessive temperature can reduce yield of Sorghum.
  • Semi-dry weather is considered good for sorghum crop.
  • It is grown in tropical climate with temperature of 25-35 oC.
  • It is not suitable for high altitude (more than 1200 meters).
  • It can be grown under an annual rainfall of 300-350 mm.

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Method of sowing in okra

  • The okra is sown on the flat soil or the ridge, if the soil is heavy then it should be sown on the ridge.
  • Hybrid varieties of okra are applied on a distance of 75 x 30 cm or 60 x 45 cm.
  • Irrigation is beneficial for 3-4 days before sowing the okra.
  • The seeds sprout in about 4-5 days.

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Control of thrips in moong

  • Plants infected with thrips develop spotted appearance on leaves which turn pale-white blotches due to drainage of sap. Due to thrips attack reduces production.
  • For effective control spray profenofos 50% EC 400 ml/acre or fipronil 5% SC 400 ml/acre or thiamethoxam 25% SG 200 gm/acre after every 10 days interval.
  • Spray neem seed kernal extract (NSKE) 5% or triazophos @ 350 ml/acre.

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Soil and Climate for coriander

  • Well-drained silt or loam soil are suited for cultivation.
  • For rainfed cultivation, soil should be clay in nature and the pH should be 6-8.
  • Coriander performs well at a temperature range of 20-25oC.
  • Cool and comparatively dry and frost-free climate is suitable for coriander.

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Control of bacterial wilt in tomato

  • Wilting, stunting, yellowing of the foliage and finally collapse of the entire plant take place.
  • Lower leaves may drop first before wilting.
  • Segment of the lower stem is cut and squeezed bacterial ooze.
  • Develops adventitious roots from the stem.
  • Crop rotation with cruciferous vegetable, marigold, and paddy is recommended.
  • Apply of bleaching powder @ 6 kg/acre before planting.
  • Use streptomycin sulphate I.P. 90% w/w + Tetracycline Hydrochloride I.P. 10 %w/w 20 gm/acre.
  • Kasugamycin 3% SL 300 ml/acre.

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Weed management in muskmelon

  • The problem of weeds in the muskmelon crop, the main reason for the low production, because it competes for the place, water, and nutrients with the crop in the field.
  • To adequately control the weeds, plough only as deep as necessary.
  • Sowing time is also very important.
  • Deep-rooted weeds should be thrown out by ploughing, hoeing or pulling by hands.
  • polyethylene mulching is a good idea to avoid the problem of weed in muskmelon field.

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Sowing method of makkhan grass

  • Makkhan Grass will be sown plot-wise in rows at 30 cm.
  • Seed can be applied with a broadcast spreader, seeder, hydroseeder or by hand.

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Soil and Climate in makkhan grass

  • All types of agriculture soil are suitable with normal pH – 6.5 to 7.
  • Soil temperatures should be above 18 oC. Optimum soil temperature for germination and root growth is 24 oC to 27 oC .

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Seed rate of Makkhan Grass

  • Solo sowing – 5 to 6 kg per Acre.
  • Combination with Berseem – 2 to 3 Kg per Acre.

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