Irrigation schedule in makkhan grass

  • First irrigation should be immediate after sowing and second irrigation is about 5 to 6 days after sowing.
  • After 10 days interval, or as per need.
  • The first irrigation should be done after hand weeding and apply urea 40 kg/Acre.

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Seed rate of cowpea

  • Seed rate required for vary for various types of cowpea
  • Bushy vegetable types 10-12 kg/acre.
  • Semi trailing vegetable types 10-12 kg/acre.
  • Trailing vegetable types 2-2.5 kg/acre.
  • Dual purpose (For grain and vegetables)
  • Broadcasting sowing method 30-35 kg/acre.
  • Dibbling sowing method 20-30 kg/acre.

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Seed rate of coriander

  • 18-20 kg/acre seeds are used for leafy crop.
  • 10-12 kg/acre seeds are used for crop production.

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Sowing time of cowpea

  • In most of the areas, cowpea is grown during the rainy and summer season.
  • For monsoon season from early June to end of July.
  • Sowing is February-March is common for summer.
  • In areas having mild climate, it is also grown during winter or Rabi season.
  • In hilly areas, it is sown during April-May.

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Control of leaf miner in cowpea

  • Maggots are feeding the leaves in a zigzag shape.
  • The infestation of this fly can easily be recognized by the presence of shiny whitish streaks on the leaves against the green background.
  • The flowering and fruiting capacity of in infested plants is adversely affected.
  • Spraying of systemic insecticide like Deltamethrin 2.8% EC @ 200 ml/acre or Triazophos 40% EC @ 350-500 ml/acre.

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Climate for cowpea cultivation

  • Cowpea is a warm season crop and can be grown in all tropical and subtropical areas.
  • Grain types and dual purpose types are tolerant to hardy conditions including high temperature, and poor soil.  
  • The climbing yard long bean prefers mild climate than grain types.
  • Performance of varieties varies with day length, rainfall and temperature hence specific varieties are to be selected for each season.
  • Cowpea grows well between 21 to 35 oC temperature.

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Ideal soil for cowpea cultivation

  • Cowpea can be grown almost in any type of soil but well-drained loamy or slightly heavy soils are better.
  • Saline or alkaline soils are not good.
  • Ideal soil pH for growth of cowpea is 5.5-6.0.

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Control of aphid in muskmelon

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75% SP @ 300-400 gm/acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml/acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Control of cowpea pod borer

  • Then caterpillars bore into the pods and feed on the seeds.    
  • If flowers and pods are not available, larva feeds on foliage.
  • Application of deep plowing and clean cultivation to expose the resting pupae and crop rotation reduce the pest population.
  • Use tolerant/resistant varieties.
  • Fix 3 feet sticks in the field @10/ha as bird parches to attract predatory birds  
  • Spray chlorpyrifos 20% EC 450 ml/ acre or indoxacarb 14.5% SC @ 160-200 ml/ acre.
  • Spray solution of emamectin benzoate 5% SG@ 100 gm/acre.

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Control of White fly in bottle gourd

  • Nymphs are oval, scale-like and greenish-white in colour.
  • Adults are 1 mm long, covered completely with a white waxy bloom.  
  • Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves.
  • The affected leaves curl and dry.
  • The affected plants show stunted growth.
  • Whiteflies are also responsible for transmitting yellow vein mosaic virus or leaf curl disease.
  • Soil application of Carbofuran 3% GR 8 kg/acre at the time of sowing.  
  • Spray Dimethoate 30% EC @ 250 gram/acre at fortnightly interval.
  • Pesticide spraying should be changed at every 15 days interval.

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