Control of fusarium wilt in watermelon

  • Diseases are more common in sandy soil.
  • Destroy infected plants and plant debris.
  • Use of disease-free seed.
  • Seed treatment with carbendazim @ 2 gm/kg seeds before sowing.
  • Use Propiconazole 25% EC @ 80-100 ml/acre when the disease appears on the watermelon plant.

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Advantage of PSB in Sorghum

  • Increase micronutrients availability to plant from the soil like Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu in addition to P2O5.
  • Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake.
  • PSB produce organic acids like malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid which fasten the P2O5 uptake, maturity and increase yield.
  • Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
  • Reduce 25 – 30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement.

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Weed control of cowpea

  • One to two hoeing should be done to control weed and for improving root aeration.    
  • Effective weed management in first 25-30 days of the crop period is essential.
  • pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 700 ml/acre or alachlor 50% EC @ 1 litres/acre can control the weeds effectively up to 30 days.

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Fertilizer requirements in makkhan grass

  • At the time of soil preparation, add FYM/compost @ 6-8 t / acre and use urea – 65 kg/acre, SSP – 20 kg/acre, mix well in the soil.
  • In the time of every harvesting apply 65 kg urea/acre.

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Control of bacterial leaf spot in coriander

  • Choose healthy and disease-free seeds for sowing.
  • Irrigate only if needed and avoid giving extra water.
  • Avoid excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, as more nitrogen can be responsible for the development of the disease.
  • When disease occurs on coriander plant then spray copper oxychloride 50% WP @ 400 -500 gram per acre.

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Control of damping off in coriander

  • In this disease, the seeds fail either to exit the soil or fall immediately after emergence.
  • Before the sowing of coriander, destroy the old crop residues and weeds through deep ploughing.
  • Use disease-free seed and resistance variety.
  • Treat the seed before sowing with carboxin 37.5% + thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm/kg seed.
  • drenching with thiophanate methyl 70% WP 300 gm/acre.

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Control of red pumpkin beetle in bottle gourd

  • Avoid showing alternate host plants like cucumber, ridge gourd, sponge gourd, round gourd etc. near the bottle gourd field.
  • Destroy the remains of the old crop.
  • In the early stage of the crop, if the insect appears, hold it by hand and destroy it.
  • Spray the crop with Cypermethrin 25% EC 150 ml/acre +Dimethoat 30% EC 300 ml /acre or Carbaryl 50% WP 400 gm/acre at fortnight intervals starting from 25 days after sowing to control the pest.
  • Spraying with Dichlorvos (DDVP) 76% EC @ 250-350 ml/acre gives satisfactory control of the pest.

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Harvesting of Garlic

  • Garlic is ready for harvest in 4-5 month after planting depending on variety.
  • Harvesting is done by pulling out plants when tops are dropping but still green.
  • Plants are uprooted by hand and curing.
  • After curing bulbs are cut or bundled as per market requirement.

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Sowing Time of makkhan grass

  • Makkhan Grass is a forage crop and suitable to sow from March to April.

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Seed rate of makkhan grass

  • Solo sowing – 5 to 6 kg per Acre
  • Combination with Berseem – 2 to 3 Kg per Acre

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