Improved varieties of paddy

Paddy is one of the major crops of Kharif, farmers can get high yield by selecting improved varieties for its sowing. Some improved varieties of paddy-

Arize Tej :- Mid early duration (125-130), High yield potential hybrid, Performs good in moisture stress conditions, Long slender grain having good cooking quality, High milling percentage >70%. 

Arize 6444 Gold :- Medium duration (135-140 days), high productive tillers (12-15), Wider adaptability, resistance to bacterial leaf blight. 

Arize Dhani :-  Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) resistant hybrid, long duration (140-145 days), non aromatic medium slender grain, high yielding, wider adaptability. 

Arize AZ 8433 DT :-  Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) & Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) tolerant hybrid, medium duration (130-135 days), medium slender grain, higher number of productive tillers per plant (13-15), more than 70% milling. 

Pioneer P27P31:-  High Yielding, Extremely effective in rainfed conditions, stress-tolerant, medium maturity (128 – 132 days). medium bold grains, suitable for dense population (40-42 plants/sqm).

Advanta PAC 837:- Maturity 120 – 125 Days, high Grain Weight, high yield. 

MP 3030:-  Early duration hybrid (120 -125 days) with high number of productive tillers. Long panicle with a high number of grains per panicle. Wider adaptability with less water requirement.

MC13- Crop duration in Kharif 115-120 days and in Rabi 130-135 days, Bold and heavy grain, high yielder, Suitable for crop rotation, Good stress and lodging tolerance.

PB 1121:- It has a seed to seed maturity of 140–145 days in the Basmati growing regions of India. PB 1121 has a yield potential of up to 5.5 tons per hectare. 

Pusa Basmati-1:- It is a semi-dwarf plant having almost all the characteristics of traditional Basmati including alkali content, grain elongation and rich aroma. Its maturity time – is generally about 125 to 135 days and the average yield – is 45 QTL/ha. The grain size is 7.2 mm uncooked and 13.91 mm after cooking.

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Monsoon is slowly becoming active, now rain will increase in many areas

know the weather forecast,

Monsoon has knocked two days back and now it is slowly on the verge of becoming active. Rain activities are going to increase over Kerala and its adjoining areas. Heavy rain may also occur over Lakshadweep and Andaman and the Nicobar Islands. Heatwave conditions are likely to increase over Rajasthan and West Madhya Pradesh as well as parts of Southwest Uttar Pradesh. Rain activities are also expected to increase in Northeast India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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ग्रामोफ़ोन से मंगाएं सारे कृषि सामान, जीतें बाइक टीवी फ्रिज मोबाइल का इनाम

Great Gramophone Dhamaka

इस खरीफ सीजन ग्रामोफ़ोन किसान भाइयों के लिए लेकर आया है “ग्रेट ग्रामोफ़ोन धमाका” का शानदार ऑफर। इस ऑफर में आप 2500 रूपये की खरीदी कर के लकी ड्रॉ का हिस्सा बन सकते हैं और बाइक, टीवी, फ्रिज, मोबाइल और मिक्सर जैसे शानदार उपहार जीत सकते हैं। 

वैसे भी किसान भाई अपनी खेती किसानी के लिए बाजार से कृषि प्रोडक्ट्स की खरीदी तो करते ही हैं, अगर यही खरीदी किसान ग्रामोफ़ोन ऐप से करेंगे तो उन्हें सभी टॉप ब्रांड के 100% ऑरिजनल प्रोडक्ट सही दाम पर फ्री होम डिलीवरी के साथ मिलेंगे। इसके अलावा अगर किसान का नाम लकी ड्रॉ में आ जाए तो वे बाइक, टीवी, फ्रिज, मोबाइल और मिक्सर भी जीत सकते हैं। 

यह ऑफर मध्य प्रदेश और राजस्थान के किसानों के लिए लागू है। सभी क्षेत्रों में मिला कर कुल 4 बाइक, 8 एलईडी टीवी, 12 फ्रिज, 20 मोबाइल और 32 मिक्सर किसान भाई जीत सकते हैं। निमाड़ क्षेत्र में ऑफर की शुरुआत 12 मई से हो गई है वहीँ 1 जून से बाकी के सभी क्षेत्रों में इस ऑफर की शुरुआत कर दी गई है और यह सीमित समय के लिए लागू है।  

तो देर ना करें और आज ही ग्रामोफ़ोन ऐप के बाजार सेक्शन में जाएँ और “ग्रेट ग्रामोफ़ोन धमाका” में भाग लेते हुए 2500 रूपये के कृषि उत्पादों की खरीदी जरूर करें और लकी ड्रॉ में शामिल होकर आकर्षक इनाम जीतें।

नियम व शर्तें

यह ऑफर निमाड़ (खंडवा खरगोन बड़वानी) क्षेत्र में 12 मई से शुरू होकर सीमित समय के लिए लागू है।

यह ऑफर निमाड़ के अलावा मध्य प्रदेश के अन्य क्षेत्रों, राजस्थान व छत्तीसगढ़ में 1 जून से शुरू होकर सीमित समय के लिए लागू है।

इस ऑफर के अंतर्गत आप 2500 रूपए से अधिक की खरीदी करने पर कई आकर्षक ईनाम जीत सकते हैं।

इस ऑफर के अंतर्गत आप कोई भी कृषि उत्पाद खरीद सकते हैं।

विजेताओं की घोषणा ग्रामोफ़ोन द्वारा ऑफर की समाप्ति पर की जाएगी।

यह ऑफर कंपनी की पॉलिसी एवं स्वेच्छा पर निर्भर है।

किसी भी तरह की समस्या आने पर अंतिम निर्णय कंपनी का ही होगा।

ग्रामोफ़ोन नोटिस या सूचना के बिना किसी भी समय इस के किसी भी नियम और शर्तों को समाप्त कर सकता है या बदल सकता है।

ऑफर में दिए जाने वाले उपहार पोस्टर में दिखाए गए उपहारों की फोटोज से अलग हो सकते हैं।

विजेता को बाइक शोरूम मूल्य पर उपलब्ध होगी, रजिस्ट्रेशन व इंश्योरेंस चार्ज विजेता किसान द्वारा वहन किया जायेगा।

ऑर्डर कैंसल होने की स्थिति में कोई भी उपहार नहीं दिए जाएंगे।

कंपनी बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के किसी भी समय ऑफर को वापस लेने का अधिकार रखती है।


Kisan Mitra-Farmer Didi will be appointed in this state, 5200 villages will get benefit

Natural farming has always been considered better for agriculture. By this method, the natural form of the land is maintained. Along with this the quality of the crop also increases. In view of its importance, the central and state governments are running many schemes to promote natural farming, so that more and more farmers can get benefit from adopting this method.

In this sequence, the Madhya Pradesh government has made a special announcement to promote natural farming. Under this, one Kisan Mitra and one Kisan Didi will be appointed in every village of the state. Which will train all the farmers for natural farming. With their help, the farmer brothers will be able to earn a lot of profit through natural farming. Apart from this, the government is also trying to subsidize farmers for natural farming.

Due to this scheme of the government, about 5200 villages in the state will get the benefit. Please tell that those who are Kisan Mitra and Kisan Didi will be trained by the government. After this training, they will be given the prescribed honorarium. In this way, the people of the village will get employment opportunities. However, this scheme will start in June 2022.

Source: Bhopal samachar

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This scheme of the government will give girls the right to their education

The central government is running many schemes to make the daughters of the country self-reliant and empowered. Moving forward in this direction, the Government of India has started ‘Shiksha Pravesh Utsav Yojana’ for girls. With the help of this scheme, out of school girls will be brought back into the education system.

In fact, due to financial constraints, many times daughters leave their studies in the middle. Under the Shiksha Pravesh Utsav scheme, girls in the age group of 14 to 18 years will be made aware of education in all the states of the country, so that more and more girls can go to school and get an education.

Through this scheme, more than 4 lakh beneficiaries will be connected to the education system. Where a program has been prepared under this scheme, which will be run by the Anganwadi at the district and block levels of the state under the supervision of education officers. Explain that the objective of this scheme is to give the right to education to the daughters.

Source: Computer Gyan

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Direct sowing of paddy or zero-till

  • Direct sowing of paddy is done with zero till machine using non-selective weedicide as per requirement in the fields with or without ploughing as per the required moisture.

  • Sowing of paddy must be done before the onset of monsoon (15-20 June), so that the plant is not affected by more moisture or waterlogging later. 

  • For this, first, if there is proper moisture in the field by giving light water, light tillage should be done as per the requirement or sowing should be done by zero till machine without ploughing.

  • The cost of raising paddy nursery is saved. In this method, by zero till machine, 10-15 kg. Seed per acre is sufficient for sowing.

  • In this way, weedicide should be used before sowing of paddy.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to like and share.


More than half of India will receive rain, see weather forecast

know the weather forecast,

Monsoon has reached South India but remains weak. The rain activities are likely to increase during the next few days. At present, pre-monsoon rain activities will continue in many states of the country. Light to moderate rain is likely over East India, Central India and South India. Northeast India including Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Islands may receive heavy rains. There is a possibility of light rain over the mountains and thunder in North India. The weather in Rajasthan, Gujarat and West Madhya Pradesh will remain dry and hot.

Source: Skymet Weather

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