Urad prices likely to rise, see expert report

Urad prices likely to rise

There is a possibility of a rise in the price of urad due to many domestic and foreign reasons. Market experts also believe that in the coming days, there may be a rise in it. See-through the video why such hope is being made?

Source: YouTube

Now sell your crops at the right rate sitting at home with Gramophone’s Gram Vyapar, Connect with trusted buyers yourself and add your farmer friends as well.


Follow these tips to increase the quality of watermelon fruit

Follow these tips to increase the quality of watermelon fruit
  • In the watermelon crop, if the quality of fruits is very good, then farmers get a very good income along with production.

  • After 45-50 days of sowing watermelon, Mix in soil 19:19:19 @ 50 kg + MOP @ 50 kg per acre.

  • To increase the number of flowers and produce good fruits in the plant, spray Gibberellic acid 0.001% [Nova Max] 300 ml per acre.

  • After 60-65 days of sowing, do a foliar spray of 0:00:50 @ 1 kg per acre.

  • The use of potash improves the shape of the watermelon fruit.

  • The process of pinching is also beneficial for the proper growth and development of the fruits.

  • The spray of chelated calcium EDTA @ 200 gm/acre does not cause the problem of blossom end rot as well as maintain brightness in the fruit.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.


Rain in many areas including MP, know updates on Bay of Bengal storm

know the weather forecast,

Heavy to very heavy rain is likely in Andaman and Nicobar Islands due to the effect of the cyclonic storm “Asani” formed in the Bay of Bengal. It will reach over North Myanmar as a Deep Depression on the morning of 22 March. Due to the influence of moist winds coming from Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, rain is possible in South India, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and southern parts of Madhya Pradesh.

Source: Skymet Weather

Please visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


Moong leaf curl virus disease

Moong leaf curl virus disease
  • The outbreak of moong leaf curl virus disease can occur at any stage of the crop.

  • Thrips are the main vector of this disease.

  • In the symptoms of this disease, cyanosis begins to appear on the edges, veins and around its branches. The leaves start curling downwards and by gently moving such leaves, they fall down along with the stalk. At the stage of pod formation, the plant produces small and deformed pods.

Management Measures:

  • If infestation is seen within 30 days of sowing, destroy the infected plants.

  • Remove the weed hosts that give shelter to viruses and thrips.

  • Use resistant varieties. 

  • For thrips management, spray of Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC [LamNova] 250 ml + Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC [ ProfeNova Super] 400 ml + Fipronil 5% SC [FipNova] 400 ml/acre can be done.

  • Spray polyformphos [Privental] @ 100 gm/acre is also beneficial.


Must follow these useful tips of smart farming

Must follow these useful tips of smart farming
  • Smart farming means that farmers can do farming using new ways of farming and products that benefit farming.

  • Under smart farming, the requirement of pest diseases and nutritional crops is met through technology.

  • This type of farming uses mobile applications, large data, artificial intelligence and machines.

  • The use of information communication technology in agriculture also gives the way for the advancement of the farmer.

  • Young farmers are making extensive improvements in their farming by adopting smart farming techniques instead of traditional farming.

  • The cost of the farmer is low and the yield is high through smart farming.

You can also do smart farming through Gramophone app. Connect your farm with the “My Kheti” option today and get timely information on disease and pest outbreaks throughout the crop cycle.


A storm forming over the Bay of Bengal can cause huge destruction

know the weather forecast,

The cyclonic storm forming over the Bay of Bengal can give heavily to very heavy rains over the Andaman and Nicobar Deep Group during the next 2 days. It will move towards North Myanmar and make landfall on March 22. Severe heatwave conditions will continue over many parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, West Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Temperatures will remain above normal in North India including Delhi.

Source: Skymet Weather

Please visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


Government will give Rs 31000 per hectare to farmers for natural farming

Government will give Rs 31000 per hectare to farmers for natural farming

Excessive use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture has harmful effects on soil health. The only option to avoid this is natural farming, with the help of which both the yield of the farm and the fertilizer capacity of the soil can be increased. At the same time, schemes are being run by the government across the country to promote natural farming. Under this, the government is providing financial assistance to farmers for seeds, biofertilizers, bio-pesticides, organic manure, compost, botanical extracts, etc. For this, the government is giving a financial amount of Rs 31 thousand per hectare to the farmers. Which will be provided to the farmer brothers for 3 years.

Along with this, the central government is promoting natural farming on the banks of river Ganga through Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana and Indian Natural Farming System. At the same time, according to these schemes, under the Namami Gange program, a total fund of Rs 120.49 crore has been released to the farmers so far. Many farmer brothers have benefited from its help. On the other hand, farmers are being trained for judicious use of chemical fertilizers with the aim of improving soil health, so that they can reap the benefits of farming by combining both inorganic and organic sources of plant nutrients.

Source: TV9

Keep reading articles on Gramophone daily for important information about the agriculture sector. Share this article with your friends via the share button.


Women will get free sewing machines from this scheme of the central government

PM Free Sewing Machine Scheme

The Government of India is running many welfare schemes to make women empowered and self-reliant. One of these is the ‘PM Free Sewing Machine Scheme’, under which women are being given sewing machines for free. Its main objective is to provide self-employment to the women of the country so that they too can become empowered by joining the mainstream of society.

What is PM Free Sewing Machine Scheme?

Through this scheme, free sewing machines are being given to the labouring and helpless women of urban and rural areas of the country, so that they too can maintain themselves and their families through self-employment. At the same time, under this scheme, more than 50 thousand women will be given free sewing machines in every state. This scheme released in the country has been mainly started in the states of Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Bengal, Gujarat, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh etc.

Requirements for the plan

The benefit of this scheme will be available to only those women, whose age will be between 20 to 40 years. At the same time, all women from the economically weaker and BPL category will be eligible for the free sewing machine scheme. Along with this, the annual income of the husband of the applicant labour women should not exceed Rs 12,000.

Application process

Women who are eligible for this scheme, have to fill out their application according to the form prescribed by the department. For this, they can get the application form from the Social Welfare Department. Apart from this, the form can also be downloaded by visiting the official website www.india.gov.in.

Source: Tractor Junction

For information related to beneficial government schemes related to agriculture and farmers, read the articles of Gramophone daily. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends using the share button below.


Get a huge subsidy of 50 lakhs from National Livestock Mission

Get a huge subsidy of 50 lakhs from National Livestock Mission

From the middle of the video, see how you can get a huge subsidy of 50 lakhs for animal husbandry by joining the National Livestock Mission.

Source: YouTube

For information related to beneficial government schemes, definitely read the articles of Gramophone daily. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends using the share button below.
