Moong leaf curl virus disease

  • The outbreak of moong leaf curl virus disease can occur at any stage of the crop.

  • Thrips are the main vector of this disease.

  • In the symptoms of this disease, cyanosis begins to appear on the edges, veins and around its branches. The leaves start curling downwards and by gently moving such leaves, they fall down along with the stalk. At the stage of pod formation, the plant produces small and deformed pods.

Management Measures:

  • If infestation is seen within 30 days of sowing, destroy the infected plants.

  • Remove the weed hosts that give shelter to viruses and thrips.

  • Use resistant varieties. 

  • For thrips management, spray of Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC [LamNova] 250 ml + Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% EC [ ProfeNova Super] 400 ml + Fipronil 5% SC [FipNova] 400 ml/acre can be done.

  • Spray polyformphos [Privental] @ 100 gm/acre is also beneficial.


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