Spray Management in soybean crops in 70-90 days

Spray Management in soybean crops in 70-90 days
  • The stage of 70-90 days of soybean crop is pod formation, at this time, along with good nutrition, the following spraying is necessary to protect the crop from diseases like pod blight, rust and pests like pod borer etc.-

  • For control of pod blight Mancozeb 75% WP @ 500 gm/acre or Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 250 ml/acre or Tebuconazole 10% + Sulfur 65% WG @ 500 gm/acre or Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP @ 300 gm /acre can be sprayed.

  • To control rust, 2 -3 sprays should be done at every 15 days interval from the time the crop shows symptoms, for this spraying of Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 400 ml or Propiconazole 25% SC @ 200 ml/acre can do.

  • For pod borer, spraying of Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG 100 gm or Flubendamide 20% WG 100 gm or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 60 ml/acre can be done.

  • For good production in the crop, water-soluble fertilizer can be sprayed at the rate of 0:0:50 at the rate of 1 kg per acre.

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How to manage stem fly in soybean crop

How to manage stem fly in soybean crop

  • High temperature followed by high humidity along with rainfall provides a favourable environment for stem fly attack. Presently outbreaks of stem fly have been observed due to such an environment.

  • In the fields of plants infested with stem fly, the upper leaves appear to dry up with shrinkage. If you look at the stem of such plants, a tunnel is seen inside the stem, in which the larva or pupa of the insect is also visible.

  • It is difficult to detect stem fly outbreaks in the early stages. Due to the infestation of this pest, the plant starts wilting or drying up. This insect lays eggs on the leaves.

  • For the control of stem fly in soybean crops, the most important thing is that it is very important to control the caterpillar at the initial stage of infestation and before it enters the stem.

  • For the control of stem fly, it is very necessary to spray the Bave curb from time to time. For the control of stem fly in soybean crops, it is very necessary to spray the following products

  • Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS @ 200 ml/acre or Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 ml/acre or Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG @ 40 gm/acre or beta cyfluthrin 8.49%+ imidacloprid19.81 OD% @ 150 ml/acre

  • Spray Bavaria bassiana @ 500 gm/acre as biological treatment.

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Rain activity will increase in these districts of MP, know the weather forecast

Weather Update

Low pressure has formed over the Bay of Bengal, due to which rain activities will reach Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat through Orissa. Rain activities will continue over East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Northeast states. Monsoon will remain active in South India as well.

Source: Skymet Weather

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How to manage white grub in a soybean crop

How to manage white grub in a soybean crop

  • White grubs are actually an insect of white colour which lives in the form of a caterpillar in the field.

  • They usually damage the roots of soybean plants in their initial form.

  • Symptoms of White grubs infestation can be seen on soybean plants. These symptoms include complete wilting of the plant, stunted growth of the plant and later death of the plant.

  • Chemical control:- Soil application of Fenpropathrin 10% EC @ 500 ml per acre OR Chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 1 liter /acre.

  • Biological control: Apply Metarhizium spp. @ 1kg/acre OR Beauveria bassiana + Metarhizium  spp. @ 2 kg/acre. Fungal formulation along with the first dose of fertilizers.

  • In addition to these treatments, you can also use light traps as a mechanical control. It is a kind of net in which the light is attached, towards which the white braids are attracted and get caught in the net.

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Spray Management in Chilli Crops in 60-70 days

Spray Management in Chilli Crops in 60-70 days
  • In the Chilli crop, this stage is about to become flower and fruit, in this stage it is necessary to give good nutrients to the plant as well as plant protection. To get more and higher quality from the crop, the following products can be used.

  • For nutrient management, use 45 kg urea + 50 kg DAP + 12 kg magnesium sulphate + phosphorus and potash bacteria at 2 kg per acre on 60-70 days after transplanting.

  • At this time, there is the main possibility of an outbreak of fruit rot disease, in pests like pod borer, mites, thrips etc. Spray Thiamethoxam 17.5% + Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG 100 gm + Amino acid 400 ml + Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% WP 250 gm / acre.

  • Spray Pseudomonas 1 kg + Bacillus subtilis 500 ml per acre.

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Rain will increase once again in the next 2-3 days in the entire MP

Weather Update

A low-pressure area is forming in the Bay of Bengal, due to which the rains are likely to increase once again in many states of the country. Rain will start in the eastern districts of Madhya Pradesh from today, which will reach the entire state in the next two days. There is a possibility of rain up to Rajasthan and Gujarat including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa via Chhattisgarh. There will be torrential rains in many parts of Kerala and Karnataka. Soon rain activities will start in Punjab and Haryana including Delhi.

Source: Skymet Weather

Be sure to visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


Why Indore Mandi is closed, know full news

Why Indore Mandi is closed

Indore Mandi has been closed for the last few days due to which farmers are facing problems. Know through the video how long the Indore market will open.

Video Source: YouTube

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