How to manage stem fly in soybean crop

  • High temperature followed by high humidity along with rainfall provides a favourable environment for stem fly attack. Presently outbreaks of stem fly have been observed due to such an environment.

  • In the fields of plants infested with stem fly, the upper leaves appear to dry up with shrinkage. If you look at the stem of such plants, a tunnel is seen inside the stem, in which the larva or pupa of the insect is also visible.

  • It is difficult to detect stem fly outbreaks in the early stages. Due to the infestation of this pest, the plant starts wilting or drying up. This insect lays eggs on the leaves.

  • For the control of stem fly in soybean crops, the most important thing is that it is very important to control the caterpillar at the initial stage of infestation and before it enters the stem.

  • For the control of stem fly, it is very necessary to spray the Bave curb from time to time. For the control of stem fly in soybean crops, it is very necessary to spray the following products

  • Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS @ 200 ml/acre or Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 ml/acre or Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG @ 40 gm/acre or beta cyfluthrin 8.49%+ imidacloprid19.81 OD% @ 150 ml/acre

  • Spray Bavaria bassiana @ 500 gm/acre as biological treatment.

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