Next activity for your Green gram crop

0 to 3 days before sowing – to prevent seeds from fungal diseases

To protect the seed from fungus in soil, treat the seeds with Thairm 37.5% + Carboxin 37.5% (Vitavax Power) 3 gm per kg seeds or Carbendazim + Mancozeb (Saaf) 2.5 gm per kg seeds or Thiamethoxam 30% FS (Reno) 4 ml per kg seeds or Rhizobium (Jaivatika R) 5 gram per kg seed .


Pre-monsoon activities begin in central India, It will rain intermittently

Weather report

Pre-monsoon activities have started in Central India. The cyclonic circulation is expected to cause light rain in some areas of Maharashtra, Marathwada, Madhya Maharashtra and Vidarbha. Light and sporadic rains will occur over the eastern and southern districts of Madhya Pradesh. These areas will be cloudy. Although the weather will be hot in these areas, rain is expected to continue intermittently.

Source: Skymet Video


What are the preventions to follow for flower growth in green gram crop

What are the preventions to follow for flower growth in green gram crop
  • There is a problem of flower drop  due to lack of nutrients in the green gram crop.

  • Crop production is greatly affected due to excessive flower drop.

Spray the following products for more flower growth in moong

  • Use micro-nutrients at the rate of 250 gram/acre to prevent this problem.

  • To stop flower drop, use Homobrassinolide @ 100 ml/acre or Paclobutrazol @ 40% SC @ 30 ml/acre.


These states, including Madhya Pradesh, may get rain for the next 3-4 days

Weather report

Rainfall activities will increase in the coming days in the southern and central districts of central-east Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Marathwada, central Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh in central India. In the next 24 hours, there will be 1-2 hours of rain in these areas and will stop after some time. This activity will be seen in all these areas and the temperature in these areas will remain low during the next 3-4 days.

Source: Skymet Video


How to control mites in watermelon crop

How to control mites in watermelon crop
  • Mites are small and red-colored insects that are found in large quantities on soft parts of watermelon crops such as leaves, flower buds, and twigs.

  • Webs are seen  on watermelon on which mites attacks 

  • This insect sucking the tender parts of the plant weakens them and in the end the plant dies.

  • Chemical management:- Propargite 57% Ec@ 400 ml/acre or Spiromesifen 22.9% SC @ 200 ml/acre  or Abamectin 1.9 % EC@ 150 ml/acre 

  • Biological treatment :- use Metarhizium Anisopliae @ 1 kg/acre


Farmers are benefiting from Kisan Rail, transport of 1.75 million tonnes of produce

Kisan Rail

During the nationwide lockdown of the Corona epidemic in the year 2020, the farmers had a lot of trouble in moving their produce to other places. Keeping this problem in mind, Kisan Rail started.

Union Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar told last Wednesday that till date, this Kisan Rail has completed 455 trips to benefit farmers. During these 455 trips, Kisan Rail has brought the yield up to about one and a half million tonnes from one place to another.

Source: Krishak Jagat


Dumping of disease causes great damage to crops, know its prevention

Dumping of disease causes great damage to crops, know its prevention
  • This disease occurs at the time of germination in the early stages of any crop.

  • Due to this disease, the root starts rotting and the plants start getting destroyed.

  • Favourable weather, excess moisture and change in temperature is the main reason for this disease.

  • Management: – Use of Thiophanate Methyl  70% WP @ 300 gram/acre or Chlorothalonil  70% WP @ 400 gram/acre or  Metalaxyl 4 % + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 500 gram/acre 

  • As a biological treatment use  Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre.


How to do solarization of soil before preparation of Chilli nursery

How to do solarization of soil before preparation of Chilli nursery
  • Chilli nursery preparation starts  in the first week of May.

  • For this, it is very necessary to do the work of selecting the fields, preparing the fields, etc. in the month of April.

  • To grow a chili nursery it is very necessary to first solarize the soil.

  • In this activity, with the help of cultivator and leveler, do  the soil up and down, and then moisten the soil with water.

  • Then spread 200 gauge (50 μm) of transparent polyethylene over the entire nursery area for about 5–6 weeks.

  • The edges of the polythene should be covered with the help of wet soil so that air cannot enter inside the polythene.

  • After 5-6 weeks, remove the polythene sheet.
