Crops will get many benefits from the use of Neem Coated Urea

Crops will get many benefits from the use of Neem Coated Urea
  • Neem coated urea means that urea is formulated  by coating neem on it
  • To make neem coated urea, neem oil is applied over urea.
  • This coating acts as a nitrification inhibitor. Neem-coated urea is absorbed slowly
  • Due to this, nitrogen nutrient is readily available as per the requirement of crops and crop production is also increased.
  • Neem coated urea seems to use about 10% percent less urea than normal urea, saving 10% percent urea.

How to control leaf miner disease in tomato

How to control leaf miner disease in tomato
  • Leaf miner insects are very small in size. They burrow inside the leaves and make tunnels. This makes white lines on the leaves. The adult moth is light yellow in color and the young insect  is very small, footless and yellow in color.Insect infestation begins on the leaves. This insect creates a spiral tunnel in the leaves. Photosynthesis process  of plants is affected . Hence, the leaves fall.
  • Chemical management: – Abamectin 1.9% EC @ 150 ml / acre or Spinosad 45% SC @ 75 ml/acre or Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 300 ml/acre for control of this pest.
  • Biological treatment: – As a biological treatment, use Beauveria bassiana @ 500 gram/acre.

Wilt management in Watermelon

Wilt management in Watermelon
  • This disease is caused by bacteria and fungi, which damages the watermelon crop.
  • Symptoms of bacterial wilt infection can be seen on all parts of infected plants.
  • The leaves turn yellow, then the whole plant dries up and dies.
  • Watermelon crop starts drying in patches
  • For prevention of this disease use Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gram/acre or Kasugamycin 3% SL@ 400 ml/acre 
  • As biological treatment use Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre. 

How to control mites in green gram crop

How to control mites in green gram crop
  • These insects are small in size, red in color and are found in large quantities on the soft parts of green gram crops like leaf, flower bud, and twigs, webs are visible on the plant on which mites reside. Sucking the sap out of the plant’s soft parts, weakens them and in the end the plant dies
  • Chemical management: – Spray  Propargite  57% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Spiromesifen 22.9% SC @ 200 ml/acre or Abamectin 1.8% EC @ 150 ml/acre.
  • Biological management: – As a biological treatment, use Beauveria bassiana  @ 500 gram/acre.

White fly management in brinjal crop

White fly management in brinjal crop
  • This pest causes a lot of damage in brinjal crops in both the stages of its life cycle i.e. nymph and adult.
  • They suck the cell sap out of cotton plant leaves and inhibit plant growth. These insects are also the cause for the secretion known as a sooty mold developed on the plant.
  • Brinjal crops can get completely infected during high infestation and even if the crop is fully developed, there is a chance of infestation of this pest which can cause the leaves of this crop to dry up and fall.
  • Management: – For the prevention of this pest, Diafenthiuron 50% SP @ 250 gram/acre or Flonicamid 50% WG @ 60 ml/acre or Acetamipyrid 20% SP @ 100 gram/acre or Pyriproxyfen 10% +Bifenthrin 10% EC 250 ml/acre.
  • Biological management: – As a biological treatment, use Beauveria bassiana  @ 500 gram/acre.

Management of virus in the sponge gourd crop

Management of virus in the sponge gourd crop
  • Due to excessive heat and climate changes, the virus spreads in sponge gourd crops.
  • Its carrier is the white fly. It sits on the leaves. Jumps fields from one to the next one. This leads to a spread of virus infection  in vegetables.
  • The symptoms of this disease are seen in all the stages of the plant, due to which the veins of the leaves turn yellow and a mesh-like structure is formed on the leaves.
  • Chemical management:  To prevent this, use  Acetamiprid 20% SP @ 100 gram /acre or Diafenthiuron 50% WP @ 250 gram/acre or  Pyriproxyfen 10 % + Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 250 ml/acre .
  • Biological management:  As a biological treatment, use Beauveria bassiana @ 500 gram/acre.

What measures should be taken to increase germination percentage in bitter gourd crops

What measures should be taken to increase germination percentage in bitter gourd crops
  • The bitter gourd crop is prominently planted with some of Zayed’s major crops.
  • In the Zayed season as the temperature changes and the temperature rises.
  • Because of the rise in temperature, the seeds of bitter gourd do not germinate completely.
  • Due to which the yield of the farmer is greatly affected.
  • To prevent this, sow the seeds of bitter gourd with seed treatment only.
  • In 10–15 days of sowing, give phosphorus solubilizing bacteria  in bitter gourd crop @ 500 gram/acre with vigormaxx  gel @ 1 kg /acre from the ground.
  • The use of these two products increases the germination percentage in the bitter gourd crop.

How to control blight disease in watermelon crop

How to control blight disease in watermelon crop

In this disease, dark brown spots are found on the leaves, deformed spots on the stems are long, suppressed and purple-black in color.  Later they merge and surround the entire trunk. Irregular red or brown spots appear on the beans, in the acute stage of the disease, the stem starts to weaken.

Chemical Management: Mancozeb 75% WP @ 600 gram/acre or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% @ 300 gram/acre or Thiophanate Methyl  70% W/W @ 300 gram/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 400 gram/acre.

Biological management: As a biological treatment, spray Trichoderma viride @ 500 gram/acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre.


Due to dusty winds in Madhya Pradesh, there will be a slight drop in temperature

Weather Forecast

During the next 24 hours, winds from northwest and west directions will be blowing in areas of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar etc. In the northern districts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, the speed of these winds is expected to be 30 to 40 km / h. There is also a possibility of dusty winds in many areas, which may cause some further drop in temperature.

Source: Skymet Video


Farmers will get prosperity by doing smart farming

Farmers will get prosperity by doing smart farming
  • Smart farming means that farmers can do farming using new ways of farming and products that benefit farming.
  • Under smart farming, the requirement of pest diseases and nutritional crops is met through technology.
  • This type of farming uses mobile applications, large data, artificial intelligence, machines.
  • The use of information communication technology in agriculture also gives  the way for the advancement of the farmer.
  • Young farmers are making extensive improvements in their farming by adopting smart farming techniques instead of traditional farming.
  • The cost of the farmer is low and the yield is high through smart farming.