Management of tobacco caterpillar in soybean crop

  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Avoid pre-monsoon sowing.
  • Collect and destroy infested plant parts, egg masses, and larva.
  • Install pheromone trap @ 4  traps/acre for early deduction of the pest.
  • Profenophos 50% EC @ 400 ml/acre. OR
  • Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 80 -100 gm/acre. OR
  • Flubendiamide 39.35 % SC @ 100 ml/acre.
  • Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 60 ml/acre.
  • As a biological treatment, spray Bavaria basiana @ 1 liter or kg/acre.

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Fertilizer management in Onion

  • Onion needs a heavy dose of fertilizers for a good yield.
  • Farmyard manure @ 8-10 tonnes/Acre may be incorporated into the soil one month before transplanting.
  • Nitrogen 50 kg/Acre, Phosphorus 25 kg/Acre and Potash 30 kg/Acre.
  • Full amount of P, K and half of N are to be added just before transplanting.
  • Rest of the N is to be given as a second dose at 20-25 days after transplanting, and third dose is given at 45-60 days after transplanting.
  • Zinc sulphate application (Znso4@10 kg/Acre) and Boron 4 Kg/Acre increases yield as well as improves the quality of bulb.

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Control of late blight of tomato

  • Destroy all tomato debris after harvest.
  • avoid water logging condition on the farm.
  • Spare any one fungicide for disease control. 
  • Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% @ 500 gm/acre.
  • Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 300 gm/acre.
  • Pyraclostrobin 5% + Metiram 55% @ 600 gm /acre.
  • Dimethomorph 50% WP @ 400 gm/acre.

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Late blight of tomato

  • first appears of  Late blight on the lower, older leaves as water-soaked, grey-green spots. 
  • As the disease matures, these spots darken and a white fungal growth forms on the undersides. Eventually, the entire plant will become infected. 
  • Crops can be severely damaged.
  • The disease spreads quickly in fields and can result in total crop failure if untreated

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Management of Gram Pod Borer in Soybean

  • For control of adult pests, use pheromone trap @ 3-4/acre.
  • First spray Profenofos 50% EC @ 300 ml/acre + Chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml/acre.
  • Second Spray Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC @ 400 ml/acre + Emamatin benzoate 5% SG @ 80-100 gm/acre Or .
  • Third spray Profenofos  300 ml/acre + Flonicamid 50% WG @ 100 gm/acre
  • Fourth spray Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 100 ml/acre or Thiodicarb 75% WP @ 250 gm/acre
  • Spray the Beauveria bassiana @ 1 liter or kg/acre as a biological treatment

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Gram pod borer in Soybean

Symptoms of damage:-

  • The larvae feed on all plant parts, but they prefer to eat flowers and beans.
  • The black hole appears on the affected pod and larvae appears hanging out of the pod while eating.
  • The adult larvae feed the chlorophyll by scratching of leaves, which causes the leaves to turn become skeletal.
  • In the severe stage of infection, the leaf falling down and the plant dies.

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Flowering stage in Chilli

  • The flowering stage is most important in chili.
  • Flower drop is a common problem in chili. 
  • Flowering play a vital role in the production of chili.
  • We can get good flowering and to save flower drop as well as takes high yield through given products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% w/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml/acre.
  • Use multi-micro nutrients 300 gm/acre.
  • Spray 250 gm/acre Hoshi.

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How to Control Fall army worm

  • Set up of light traps.
  • Set up pheromone traps @ 5/acre.
  • Biveria Bissiana @ 1kg/acre.
  • Apply any one of the following on presence of the pest.
    • Flubendiamide 480 SC @ 60ml/acre.
    • Spinosad 45% SC @ 80 ml/acre.
    • Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 60 ml/acre.
    • Thiodicarb 75% WP @ 400g/acre.

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Fall army worm :- Nature of Damage

The first time the outbreak of this pest in India was seen in the state of Karnataka in July 2018 After this, it has also spread in other states. This pest which is damaging the maize crop remains alive for more time than other insects. The moths of this insect can fly up to 100 km in the same night with the blow of air, a female gives its eggs in the life of 1 to 2 thousand. The reason for the loss is not only their population but also by their feeding habits. These insects attack the crops in the cluster. Because of this, they destroy the entire crop in a short time. This Polyphagous insect damage about 80 types of crops but it’s preferred host in maize.

  • Fall armyworm generally feeds on foliage, but during heavy infestations, larvae will also feed on corn ears.
  • Foliar damage to corn is usually characterized by ragged feeding and moist sawdust-like frass near the whorl and upper leaves of the plant.
  • They will frequently be near the tip but may feed down the ear creating a track of damaged kernels.

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