Nursery Management in Chilli

The nursery is well prepared for good yield If the plant will remain healthy in the nursery, then the plant will be very strong after transplanting in the field, so take proper care of the plant in the nursery. In order to prepare good plants, gramophone advised the farmer, spray three times in the nursery, which is as follows.

  • First Spray at 12 DAS:- Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8 gm/pump + Amino acid 20 ml/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest and seedling nutrition )
  • Second Spray at 20 DAS:- Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne diseases like damping off )
  • Third Spray at 28 DAS:-  Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8-10 gm/pump + Humic Acid 10-15 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest )

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Weed Management in Cotton :-


  • For Narrow Leaf Weeds :- Apply Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @400 ml/Acre OR Propaquizafop 10% EC 300 ml/Acre.
  • For BroadLeaf Weeds:- Apply Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL  @ 500 ml/Acre ( When crop gets height 1.5 feet then spray on the soil surface with avoiding crop ). This is a nonselective herbicide. Use a cap on spray nozzle before spraying.


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Importance of Magnesium in Plants

  • Magnesium plays an important role in the process of plant photosynthesis and is a key element in chlorophyll, it is one of the most important nutrients, involved in many enzyme activities and the structural stabilization of Plant Tissues.
  • The ideal range of magnesium in the soil is 0.5-40gm/kg, however these days soil content of magnesium is found to be at 3-25gm/kg leading to magnesium deficiency.
  • Nitrogen deficiency in the soil only intensifies the deficiency scale of available nutritional balance in the soil, thereby affecting overall crop health.
  • In the early stages can be detected on lower and older leaves. The leaf veins appear darker in color while the area between the veins attains a yellowish color.
  • Magnesium deficiency in soil can be arrested by applying Magnesium sulfate ( 9.5 %) as Basal dosage at the time of Sowing.
  • Spraying 70-80 g/acre magnesium sulfate twice at weekly intervals.

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Nutrient management in maize

  • To take more yield of maize, the balanced fertilizers should be applied.
  • Apply well rotten FYM @ 8-10 tonnes/acre in the field before 12-15 Days before Sowing.
  • At the time of sowing, Apply (urea @ 65 kg/acre + DAP @ 35 kg/acre + MOP @ 35 kg/acre + carbofuran @ 5 kg/acre from the basal dose.
  • After 15-20 DAS, Apply MgSO4 @ 10 kg/acre + ZnSO4 @ 07 – 10 + Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre.
  • If the bed system of sowing is followed, apply the micronutrient mixture over the furrows.

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Soybean Field preparation

  • For Better Seed Germination, Soil should be well Pulverized and ploughed.
  • Deep summer ploughing once in 2-3 years or one normal summer ploughing followed by 2-3 cross harrowing are suitable for the soybean crop.
  • If the moisture content is less in the soil, with pre-sowing irrigation add 4 kg of speed compost per acre to the field and prepare it for sowing, in the last, Level the farm through leveler.

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