Hormone application in brinjal

  • Plant growth regulators are used to increase the yield of brinjal.
  • After 45-50 days of sowing, the flowering stage starts in the brinjal crop.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.

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Spacing in cowpea

  • Seeds of bushy varieties are dibbled at a spacing of 30 X 5 cm with 1-2 seeds per hole.
  • For semi-trailing varieties provide a spacing of 45 X 30 cm.
  • During rainy season, seeds are sown at the above spacing in raised beds of 90 cm width.
  • Trailing varieties are sown in pits of 45-60 cm diameter and 30-45 cm depth at a spacing of 2 X 2 cm with 3 plants /pit for trailing on bower.

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Control of downy mildew in bottle gourd

  • Water soaked lesions appear on under surface of leaf lamina.
  • Angular spots appear on upper surface similar to water-soaked lesions.
  • Lesions appear first on the older croton leaves and progressively on the younger leaves.
  • As the lesions expand, they may remain yellow or become dry and brown.
  • Affected vines do not set fruit properly.
  • Plucking and destroy of affected leaves.
  • Use resistant cultivars.
  • Crop rotation and sanitation reduces the severity of the disease.
  • Spray with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 350-400 gm/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 200-250 gm/ acre.

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Land preparation in cowpea

  • Field is Prepared to a fine tilth by is 2-3 ploughing and harrowing.
  • Field is divided into plots of convenient size.

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Control of fruit fly in snake gourd

  • The maggots burrow into the fruits and suck the sap.
  • Infested fruits decay and drop.
  • The fly mainly prefers tender fruits for egg laying.
  • Ovipositional punctures caused by adults also cause injury on fruits and fruit juices oozes out.
  • Collect and destroy infested fruits.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10 cm in snake gourd field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Soil incorporation of carbaryl 10% dust can be made in fruit fly endemic areas.
  • Spraying of Dichlorovas @3 ml/lit of water at fortnightly intervals.
  • Deep ploughing to expose hibernating stages.

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Nutrition management in cowpea

  • Depending upon availability incorporate 2.5-3.5 tonnes /acre farmyard manure in the soil at the time of field preparation.
  • At the time of final land preparation, 24 kg of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) 48 kg of Single Super Phosphate and 20 kg muriate of potash should be applied for one acre.
  • Half of the Nitrogen fertilizers, whole phosphorus and potash may be applied at the time of final ploughing.
  • If seeds are inoculated with rhizobium culture, the dose of CAN be reduced to 16 kg per acre.
  • In zinc deficient areas zinc sulphate @ 8 kg/acre may be applied in soil.
  • Remaining nitrogen may be applied 15-20 days after sowing.

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Control of wilt in okra

  • Initially, the plants show temporary wilting symptoms which become permanent and progressive.
  • The leaves of the affected plants show yellowing, loose turgidity and show drooping symptoms.
  • Eventually, the plants die.
  • Cutting the base of the stem revel a dark woody portion.
  • Continuous cultivation of okra on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Crop rotation should be applied in case of fields are severely infected.
  • Spray of thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 200-300 gm /acre.
  • And spray of hexaconazole 5% EC @ 250-400 ml/acre is also effective.

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Irrigation management in muskmelon

  • During summer, irrigate the crop every week.
  • The irrigation should be as light as possible.
  • At the time of fruit maturity water should be given when it is very necessary.
  • Overflooding should be avoided as the fruit oncoming contact with moist soil gets spoiled.

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Control of fruit rot in brinjal

  • Infected fruit tissue is water-soaked and dark-green at first; later white mycelium and sporangia develop on the surface of the affected area and, within several days, consume the entire fruit.
  • Fruit affected by these fungi dry rapidly and shrivel but do not drop.
  • Remove and destroy affected fruits.
  • Spraying Mancozeb 75% WP @  400 gm/acre or Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 250 gm/ acre.

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Sowing and seed rate in muskmelon

  • Dubbing method and transplantation method is used for sowing melon.
  • Sow the melon seeds on a 3-4 meter wide bed.
  • Sow two seeds together and keep a distance of 60 cm between beds.
  • Insert the seed at depth of about 1.5 cm.
  • For sowing in one acre land 300- 400 gm seeds are required.

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