How to convert crop residue into manure by speed compost

  • Speed compost is a product that is used in quick manure from crop waste (Wheat stalks, paddy straw etc).

  • This 1 kg product decomposes 1 ton of crop waste into manure.

  • It contains microorganisms belonging to Bacillus, Azotobacter, Trichoderma, Cellulolytic, Aspergillus, Penicillium etc. which destroy harmful fungi in the soil besides quick manure production. Hence, it also does the work of plant protection. 

  • First of all, mix the crop residue in the soil with the help of rotovator.

  • After that, broadcast 4 kg Speed compost and 45 kg urea per acre and immediately apply water. So that microorganisms can do their work faster.

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