Spraying Management in Soybean after 20-30 days

  • Different types of insects  especially girdle beetle, blue beetle etc. and diseases are active in the growth of soybean crop.
  • In order to control these pests and diseases, spraying management is very important in 20-30 days which is as follows.
  • Lambda-Cyphlothrin 4.9% CS @ 200 ml / acre
  • Or Profenophos 50% SC @ 500 ml / acre
  • Spraying  Carbendazim  12% + mancozab 63% WP @ 300 gram  / acre.
  • Beveria Basiana @ 500 gram / acre This spraying  is required for the control of insects.
  • Seaweed 400 ml / acre or amino acid @ 300 ml / acre or G A 0.001% @ 300 ml/acre This spraying is very important for a good growth period.
  • If it rains within 24 hours of spraying, spray again.
  • The lower surface of the leaves should be sprayed completely because insects feed on that part.
  • Spraying of the same pesticide chemical should not be repeated.

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