Spraying Management in Soybean after 20-30 days

  • Different types of insects  especially girdle beetle, blue beetle etc. and diseases are active in the growth of soybean crop.
  • In order to control these pests and diseases, spraying management is very important in 20-30 days which is as follows.
  • Lambda-Cyphlothrin 4.9% CS @ 200 ml / acre
  • Or Profenophos 50% SC @ 500 ml / acre
  • Spraying  Carbendazim  12% + mancozab 63% WP @ 300 gram  / acre.
  • Beveria Basiana @ 500 gram / acre This spraying  is required for the control of insects.
  • Seaweed 400 ml / acre or amino acid @ 300 ml / acre or G A 0.001% @ 300 ml/acre This spraying is very important for a good growth period.
  • If it rains within 24 hours of spraying, spray again.
  • The lower surface of the leaves should be sprayed completely because insects feed on that part.
  • Spraying of the same pesticide chemical should not be repeated.

Organic products present in the Soya Samriddhi Kit and method of use

Organic products present in the Soya Samriddhi Kit and method of use
  • Soya Samriddhi Kit plays an important role in increasing soybean yield.
  • Soya Samriddhi Kit contains organic products like Trichoderma viride, Potash and Phosphorus bacteria, Rhizobium bacteria, Humic acid, Amino acids, Seaweed, and Mycorrhiza.
  • Trichoderma viride present in this kit is capable of preventing the most harmful fungi found in soil. It is used for 4 grams per kg of seed treatment and 2 kg per acre of soil treatment.
  • The second product of this kit is a mixture of two different microorganisms which increases the availability of potash and phosphorus in the soybean crop and also helps in production growth. It is used in the soil at a rate of 2 kg per acre.
  • The third product of this kit contains Rhizobium bacteria which develops legumes in soybean roots, nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere, and available to the crop. This 5 gram per kg seed is used for seed treatment and 1 kg per acre is used.
  • The last product of this kit contains humic acid, amino acids, seaweed extract, and mycorrhiza ingredients. It is used in soil @ 2 kg per acre.
  • 7 kg of Soya Samriddhi Kit (which includes all the above organic products) should be mixed with 4 tons FYM at the time of the last plowing or before sowing @ one acre so that the crop gets its full benefit.