Symptoms and control measures of pod blight in soybean crops

Symptoms of damage

The outbreak of this disease is more in areas with high humidity and temperature. In soybean, at the stage of flowering and grain filling, dark brown irregularly shaped spots appear on the stem, flower stalk and pods with yellowing. Which are later covered by fungal black and thorns-like structures. Yellow-brown leaves, twisting and shedding are the main symptoms of this disease.Seeds infected with pod blight do not germinate.

Control measures

  • For biological control, take a spray of Monas-curb @ 500 gm + Combat @ 500 gm + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 to 200 Ltr of water.

For chemical control, take a spray Tesunova @ 500 gm or Folicure @ 250 ml + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml per acre @ 150-200 liters of water.

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