Control of green caterpillar in soybean crop

  • The adult of this caterpillar is of medium size and golden yellow in color. Front wings brown in color with a large golden triangular spot. Eggs are yellow in color and round. Newborn caterpillars are green in colour, fully grown caterpillars are 4 mm long. is long

  • Outbreak: After hatching from the eggs, small caterpillars scrape the soft leaves of soybean and eat it, in case of severe outbreak, the greenness of the plant ends. When there are more clouds in the sky, then the outbreak of this caterpillar is more. Big caterpillars first damage the leaves of soybean, then damage the grains by piercing the pod.

  • To save the soybean crop from this caterpillar, three types of prevention can be done. mechanically, chemically and biologically

  • Mechanical control: – Before sowing the soybean, do deep plowing of the field in summer so that the pupa of this caterpillar gets destroyed in the ground itself. Do not sow before monsoon as it gives proper temperature to caterpillars to increase their numbers. Do not sow the crop too densely. If any infected plant is seen then uproot it and destroy it. For better control of caterpillars, install pheromone traps at the rate of 10 numbers per acre in the field. The lure of this trap should be changed after every 3 weeks.

  • Chemical Control:- Spray Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm/acre or Flubendamide 20% WG @ 100 gm/acre or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 60 ml/acre|

  • Biological control:- Spray Bavaria bassiana @ 500 gm/acre.

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