How to manage diseases and pests in soybean crop in 15-20 days after sowing

  • Spraying is very necessary at the stage of 15-20 days after sowing of soybean.

  • Due to this spray, diseases like stem rot, root rot are not attacked in soybean crops.

  • Soybean pests can be easily controlled in the early stages.

  • This spraying proves to be very helpful for protecting the crop from insect pests in soybean crops.

  • In this stage, there is an outbreak of girdle beetles and sucking insects in soybean crops. To control them, apply Lambda-Cyphalotrin 4.9% CS @ 200 ml/acre or Profenophos 50% SC @ 500 ml/acre.

  • In this stage of soybean, there is an outbreak of diseases like stem rot, root rot and leaf blight disease. For its control, apply Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 300 g/acre.

  • Due to excessive moisture, pest and disease outbreak in the soybean crop, the crop does not develop properly. For good growth of soybean crop, spray seaweed @ 400 g/ acre or amino acid @ 250 ml/ acre or gibberellic acid @ 0.001% @ 300 ml/ acre.

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