Preparation and management of field for paddy nursery

Loamy soil with proper drainage and high nutrients is suitable for nursery preparation, and there should be proper arrangement of irrigation. After every ploughing, apply leveler, so that the clods are broken and the soil becomes friable and level.

While preparing paddy nursery, it is very important to use proper amount of manure and fertilizers. Due to not using the right amount of fertilizers, there is a deficiency of nutrients in the paddy plants, and the development of the plant is not done properly.

While preparing the nursery, first of all make the soil friable by ploughing. After this, prepare 1.25 m wide and 8 m long beds.

For good plant growth, 2-3 kg urea, 3 kgs single super phosphate, 1 kg potash, 10 kg farmyard manure and 1 kg Tri-code max should be used per 100 square meters in paddy nursery. Water is very much needed for good germination of plants. Sufficient moisture should be kept in the beds. Seed treatment should be done before sowing the paddy seeds. For this, treat with Combat (Trichoderma viride) 8 g/kg seed or Dhanustin (Carbendazim 50% WP) 2.5 g/kg seed or Vitavax Power (Carboxin 37.5%+ Thiram 37.5% WS)- 2.5 g/kg seed.

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