Construction Method of Zero Energy Cool Chamber

  • A rectangle pops about 165 X 115 cm by depositing bricks. A double wall of bricks is constructed with the help of soil mud on this platform. The space between 7-8 cm between the double wall of bricks is kept empty. The height of the double wall is kept up to 60-65 cm.

  • After this, the sieved gravel is soaked in water and filled in space between the double walls.

  • Constructed from pieces of bamboo, gunny or sackcloth. The length and breadth of this length are kept at par with the entire cool chamber.

  • The water tank is placed at a height of 4 to 5 feet with 1 pipe. The pipe is routed between double walls of bricks as well as 15–15 cm in the pipe. Holes are made in the pipe for water to fall and leak and this water keeps the sand and bricks wet.

  • The fruits and vegetables are kept in plastic baskets and kept in this cool chamber and the lid is placed on top.

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