Spray management of garlic crop in 15-20 days

  • Periodic spray management is very important for the good production of garlic crops.
  • With the help of these spray management garlic crops gets a good head start as well as receive the disease-free garlic crop.
  • for prevention of fungal diseases use CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63%WP @ 300 gram / acre 
  • as biological treatment Spray PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre  
  • For pest control spray  ACEPHATE 75 %SP  @ 300 gram / acre.
  •  As a biological treatment spray BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 250  gram / acre  
  • For nutrient management, spray of SEAWEED @ 400 ml / acre or GIBBERELLIC ACID  @ 300 ml / acre.
  • Use a silicone-based sticker with every spray @ 5 ml / 15 liters of water.

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