Rhizobium is essential in the cultivation of moong

  • Rhizobium is found in the nodules of the root of the moong, which increases crop yield by fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

  • The use of Rhizobium culture leads to the rapid formation of knots in the roots of moong and other pulse crops, which gives 20-30 % profit in the yield of moong, gram, tur and urad and 50-60% in soybean yield.

  • The use of rhizobium culture increases the amount of nitrogen in the soil to about 12 kg per acre.

  • Use Rhizobium culture, for seed treatment at the rate of 5 to 10 grams per kg of seed and for soil treatment before sowing, mix 50 kg of FYM in 1 kg per acre and broadcast it. 

  • Nitrogen deposited by Rhizobium bacteria present in the roots of pulses is used in the next crop, due to which there is a need to give less nitrogen in the next crop also.

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