This disease reduces the yield of green gram

  • Leaf spot disease:- Symptoms of this disease are found in all parts of the plant and its effect is very much seen on the leaves. Initially, the symptoms of the disease appear in the form of small brown boat-shaped spots, which enlarge and scorch the entire part of the leaves and the tissue dies, causing the green colour of the plant to be destroyed.

  • Cercospora leaf spot disease: – Infection of this disease first starts from the old leaves. Dark brown spots appear on the leaves with brownish-red edges, later the spots become irregularly shaped. Leaves turn yellow and fall. At the time of flowering, in severe cases, the leaves fall and the grains become shrivelled and discoloured.

  • Stem blight disease: – The disease infection appears at the time of maturity of the crop, in this disease also irregular-shaped spots appear on the leaves.

  • Blight disease: – In this disease dark brown spots appear on the leaves. Irregular spots of purple-black colour appear on the stems and red or brown on the pods. In the severe stage of the disease, the stem starts to become weak.

  • Proper management of appropriate diseases-

  • Chemical Management:- Spray Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP [Milduvip] @ 300 gm or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP [CarmaNova] @ 300 gm or Tebuconazole 10% + Sulfur 65% WG [Swadheen] @ 500 gm or Chlorothalonil 75% WP [Jatayu] @ 400 gm/acre. 

  • Biological management: – For biological treatment of all these diseases, spraying of Trichoderma viride @ 500 gm or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gm/acre can be done.

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