Increase the number of flowers by protecting the crop of moong and urad from white fly

  • The whitefly is found sucking on the lower leaves surface.
  • Both nymph and adult sucking juices from plants and stops the growth of the plant, due to which the leaf falls yellow and hence the yield decreases.
  • Whitefly is generally responsible for spreading viral mosaic disease.
  • To control this, spray diafenthiuron 50% WP 200 gm or pyriproxyfen 10% + bifenthrin 10% EC 200 ml or acetamiprid 20% SP 100 gm in 200 liter of water per acre.
  • To increase the number of flowers in green gram and black gram, spray homobrassinolide 0.04% @ 100 ml per acre mixed with 200 liters of water.

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