Land Preparation in Green gram (Moong)

  • To make a kharif crop, a deep plowing should be done with soil reversal solution and after 2-3 years after the weeding by cultivating it with a native solution or cultivator, keep the plates in the field and flatten it.
  • For prevention of termite, the chlorpyriphos 1.5% DP of the powder is 10-15 kg /acre. At the time of preparation of the field should be mixed with soil.
  • For the cultivation of summer moong, immediately after harvesting rabi crops, the farm should be plucked immediately after 4-5 days.
  • After plaque, make 2-3 plough and make the farm flat and fried by placing it with a native solution or cultivator. With this, moisture is preserved in it and seeds get good germination.

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