How to manage a chilli nursery

According to the need, water should be given in the chilli nursery with the help of a fountain. In summer, afternoon, water should be sprinkled at a difference of one day, because even using agro net in the summer season, the moisture in the land evaporates quickly. In case of excessive water logging, there should be a proper drainage system.

Apart from this, weeds should be cleaned from the beds. In extreme heat, cover the seedlings with grass cover, and remove the grass cover after 4 to 5 days of seed germination. Clean the grass debris from the beds. For the control of plant rot and Sucking pests after cleaning the beds, CarmaNova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) 25g/pump and ThiaNova-25 (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) 10g/pump and MaxxRoot 10 Gm/Pump Mix it in 15 litres of water and spray it.

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