You can do this agricultural work in the month of March

March month is very important both for harvesting and sowing new crops. Therefore, this month farmers can get high production by adopting the following agricultural activities:

  • The mustard crop should be harvested after 75% of the beans are golden. In this stage, the amount of oil in the grains remains high.

  • Harvesting is suitable when there is about 15 % moisture in gram grains.

  • Harvesting should be done when wheat grains become hard after ripening and moisture content is less than 20%.

  • Those farmers, who have planted paddy in the field, should maintain the level of water in the field. After 25 to 30 days of transplanting, control weeds and apply urea.

  • The farmer who has only one or two irrigation facilities can do summer moong or urad cultivation after harvesting the rabi crop.

  • If you want to sow sugarcane or sunflower, then complete this work by 15-20 March. Between two rows of sugarcane, two rows of urad or moong or one row of okra can be planted as a mixed crop.

  • To provide easy fodder to the animals in summer, some special varieties of maize, cowpea and sorghum can be sown at this time.

  • In vegetables, you can sow cucurbits and you can transplant tomato, chilli, brinjal.

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