34 thousand farmers of MP will get benefit of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Irrigation Scheme

The government has set a target to irrigate 50 thousand hectare area in Madhya Pradesh this year under the Prime Minister’s Agricultural Irrigation Scheme. About 34 thousand farmers will be benefited from this. This information was given by the Minister of State for Horticulture, independent charge Shri Bharat Singh Kushwaha. In the meeting held on this subject, Mr. Kushwaha directed the officers to pay special attention to meeting the target set for the beneficiaries of backward classes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes.

He said that targets should be set according to the demand of local farmers in various schemes operated to encourage production of fruits and flowers and vegetables in the state. The Minister of State said that under the Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme, the target is to irrigate 50 thousand hectare area this year. 34 thousand farmers will be benefited under the scheme.

Source: Krishak Jagat


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