Farmers of Madhya Pradesh have sown kharif crops in 118 lakh hectare till now

After being at the forefront of the procurement of wheat, now farmers of Madhya Pradesh are now meeting the target set for sowing in the Kharif season as well. The farmers of the state have so far sown Kharif crops in 118 lakh hectares of land. This figure is 80% of the total target set. Soon, the farmers will not only achieve their target up to 100% but will also go ahead of the target. Significantly, this year, a target of sowing 146.31 lakh hectare for the Kharif season.

Sowing of soybean, the main Kharif crop in the state, has been completed up to 97%. The target for the sowing of soybean has been fixed at 57.70 lakh hectare and to date, 56.42 lakh hectare has been sown. Apart from this, the target of crops like groundnut, sesame, cotton has also been almost achieved.

Source: Nai Dunia


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